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Navalny in court.
A good start to the week!
“The Russian police arrested hundreds of people in nationwide anti-corruption protests on Sunday, including the opposition leader Aleksei Navalny in Moscow, where thousands gathered for the biggest demonstration in five years against President Vladimir V. Putin.
The protest in the capital took the form of a synchronized walk along a major shopping street to avoid a ban on unsanctioned stationary gatherings. It was one of 99 similar rallies in cities and towns across the country — from Vladivostok in the far east to Kaliningrad in the west — according to the organizer, Mr. Navalny’s anti-corruption foundation.”
Looks like Navalny is a major criminal.
Clarice Feldman (part of Trump’s inner intel circle) weighs in on the “wiretapping”:
Yet another p.o.v. :
Ev’rybody’s russian around looking for answers.
Murray socks it to the Canucks:
Delingpole is back at Breitbart:
If `encryption` is so powerful that MI5 can not break it ; why don’t the Pentagon, US State Dept. , Democrat Party National Committee adopt ?
Otherwise ; why don’t they send their messages by pigeon on rice-paper , and eat the message when they have read it ?
There again ; pigeon post : Putin’s sleepers :–
Frank P @ 17:24
Not from a laptop hack, but from people who know more, Frank, read, think, go figure:
Radford NG @ 18:27
The ranting about the GCHQ inability to crack the What’s up encryption is just a smokescreen for the Government to further restrain our freedoms, let the spooks spy on everyone and everything.
A major criminal wouldn’t get 15 days inside, and a fine of 20,000 Roubles in Russia, surely. He should have stuck to what he got a permit for, he didn’t, paid for it.
Surprise, shock, horror – demonstartions in Putin’s Russia. Arghhh
It’s only big deal for people who believe there’s no opposition in Russia. Isn’t that what some here believed, provided links for, how come a U-turn so suddenly?
Isn’t exercising the right of assembly a sign of a kind of democratic society? What if the Russians want to march, shout, holding placards, showing more than quiet displeasure with the man in charge? They did it before, everyone was blind to it.
Even more so, if what they’re complaining about – corruption – has been indeed widespread, (it boosted the list of Russian millionaires more than 10% last year, the highest increase amongst all world countries)?
We’ve had a million people marching against the war in Iraq, a fat lot of good did it do though, Baron wouldn’t expect a different result in Russia. Just take it from him, the Left in Russia hasn’t got a leg to stand on, they cannot agree amongst themselves what to do, the only danger to the new Tzar in the Kremlin could only come from the Right, Of course, the Western MSM poodles will do everything to convince the easily confused that it’s the Navalny’s crowd that threatens Putin.
Some of the demonstrations were given the go-ahead for the route they should have taken, these went without a hitch, the ones without an official permit had more boisterous participants (including schoolchildren), some were detained, no water cannon though, no batons, no horses, no cattling either.
The number of the detained has jumped to over 1000 (1030 exactly at 17.00 hours Greenwich time), some got released, others got charged under a statute that can impose a max penalty of 20,000 Roubles ($350), Navalny got 15 days inside cum max fine, the US State Department, the EU have issued demands for everyone detained to be released immediately (has there ever been a similar demand from the Kremlin when the US towns rioted, or the French youngsters?), the Blonde inseminator who runs the FO has postponed his Moscow trip.
(Sources: all Russian, all Putin’s MSM plus ‘the Rain).
Navalny in prison in Russia, oops, is it Tommy Robinson?
Frank P @ 14:49
When, months ago, Frank, a piece got posted saying the Russians prefer the Clinton woman, it got completely ignored. She has been tainted by ‘dirty’ dealings more than the Donald (the uranium deal, the $0.5mn for a talk for her hubby, other stuff, your link furnished more), but the key reason has been the Donald’s determination to drill (you recall Baron’s take on it? Drill, drill, drill, get re-elected whatever else happenson all other pre-election promises).
This doesn’t suit the Kremlin at all, tax receipts from oil used to cover some two fifth of the Federal budget. This doesn’t appeal to the Dems, their MSM poodles, they’d rather believe the fake news manufactured by the CIA that it was the Donald. It helps to get rid of him.
On a broader front:
Have you ever wondered what’s in the news in the Kingdom of our friends, the Saudis?
(The one puzzling item is the fast police car, the poorly educate dSlav didn’t realize camels run that fast, he, he, he).
Radford NG @ 18:34
When Baron was looking at the nest a disturbing event happened, Radford, one of the birds shouted in perfect Russian ‘I’m with Navalny’, then flew away to join a demonstration in Moscow.
Should this be allowed to be viewed in Britain? Marshal may get a coronary, he, he, he.
Still on the Radford posting at 18:27 (the barbarian forgot to include it), it lasts few minutes only, makes the point about how the progressives intend to restore the MSM monopoly on news and their dissection very well:
Not that the barbarian would ever fall in love with the man, he isn’t of that orientation, but the guy, together with Fox’s Tucker, is the first he goes for when he switches his laptop gadget on (if he hasn’t got the gadget on him – as he didn’t for the last few days – he gets him on the mobile, but it eats up the battery charge so fast, why?).
Some of the postings are quite revealing, too.
(That’s the last entry from the poorly educated Slav tosday, you can come in, now, and apologies, you know what for).
This is what awaits Navalny these next 15 days:
“Ildar Dadin’s allegations of beatings, humiliation and rape threats are shocking, but unfortunately they are just the latest in a string of credible reports indicating that torture and other ill treatment are being widely used in the Russian penal system.”
Are being addressed here, personally:
Frank P
March 27th, 2017 – 17:32
Whenever this Canuck hears or sees complaints about “Islamophobia” I right away ask – “What’s wrong with Islamophobia? Isn’t it common sense and well justified?”
And I intend to go on asking that.
Marshal Roberts
March 27th, 2017 – 20:24
I see that there is a reference to to “credible reports”. How confident should we be that they are credible?
Amnesty in my view have such a tendency towards being politically correct that I have doubts about them. So much so that I have often felt that their name should really be Amnasty.
Herbert, not that I revere the Sun, but-
Or try this-
“When John McCain calls Putin a “thug and a murderer” this is what he’s talking about”
Also Frank underplayed the link at his 21.52 post-
“In a recent poll, Russia comes in at 51 out of 56 countries rated for quality of life, behind Pakistan and Egypt. But then true Russians disdain soulless materialism (until they come to the West, that is, where they’re seduced into it while still clearing passport control).
According to Russian data, 28 million live under the poverty level of $175 a month and qualified medical care is available only for the rich.
To compensate, Russia comfortably leads Europe in killing. According to UN data, 70 per cent of all murders on Europe’s territory are committed in Russia, home to only 19 per cent of Europeans. The country’s murder rate is 20 times higher than in Norway, which makes one wonder if perhaps soulless materialism isn’t without its benefits.”
Marshal, every generation needs its hate figures. I remember Nasser, Amin, Delors and Mugabe.
Putin will soon be replaced by Xi Jinping or some such.
Keep bold.
It was a few years ago now that Andy Carpark first introduced the CHW to Mr. Boot’s blog. Imagine my dismay when the following article turned out not to be about Vladimir Putin after all.
You still out there Dmitri? Have you stopped having “unnatural relations” with that fur hat of yours?
@Radford NG 27th – 18:27
“If `encryption` is so powerful that MI5 can not break it ; why don’t the Pentagon, US State Dept. , Democrat Party National Committee adopt ?”
Who says they haven’t adopted it? And Amber Rudd’s trumpeting is a necessary smokescreen, otherwise the meejah would instead be asking, “Why isn’t she trumpeting?” and drawing the obvious inference.
John McCain?
Even a broken clock gives the right time twice per day.
@10:49 As with any antique clock in order to place a value upon it one has to enquire not only about its condition but also if it’s the real McCoy…
Cue Lovejoy, Tinker Dill etc.
You Russophiles should rejoice in the fact that one more Alex Boot article on the shortcomings of his native country, is one less about his adopted first home. God help us if he takes a much closer look at our own politics, social mores or disgusting habits. And we shouldn’t complain about his reports from his second home, where his Froggie friends are a constant source of comical copy. As for his son’s adopted home and indeed the politics of the son himself: devastating analysis.
And now that he has addressed our “poorly educated Slavic” pal Baron directly, can we look forward to a regular joust between them in the comments section of the Boot blog? “Tis a consummation. Devoutly to be wish’d. ” 🙂
Marshal, you should give up copying what others have said about Russia, then posting the link, you should have you own argument, tell us what it’s based on, give us the feel of your thinking behind the hatred of the Russians. You may start by telling us what have the Russians done to you since communism imploded there.
A poll may say Russia comes in at 80 out o 56 countries rated for quality of life, behind Pakistan and Egypt and a dump next to a waste disposal site, what matters for the Russians is that for a majority of them their quality of life is immeasurably better than it was when the communist thugs ruled. Take it from the barbarian, he lived there, knows what it’s like now, the Russians have never had it so good.
You copied: “According to Russian data, 28 million live under the poverty level of $175 a month and qualified medical care is available only for the rich”
True, but a quarter century ago, almost the whole of Russia was living in poverty (sans the communist leadership cum their hangers-on).
Not only does Russia’s murder rate comfortably leads Europe, it leads the world hands down, it’s one of the legacies of the 300-year old totalitarianism, the boil will indeed take generations to cure.
Since 2014, the Russian can carry guns for personal protection, whether it has helped to lower the homicide rate the barbarian doesn’t know, you may like to to enlighten us.
… We might even learn more about the Matryoshka.
Frank P @ 21:52
Come on, Frank, the know-it-all would never stoop that low, address the poorly educated one, would he?
The blue veined barbarian read it, yawned, then the inner voice he listens to on occasions whispered to him ‘come on, life’s too short, in your case considerably shorter than for most of the others, just calm down, don’t even think ….
Just a small observation though, it cannot be left unsaid, the temptation’s overpowering, have you noticed he has put ‘defence’ as in ‘Russian defence spending’ in inverted commas, but continues to argue it’s some half of Russia’s Federal budget probably on the basis that (say) expenditure on roads is a part of ‘defence’ spending what with military vehicles going over them, as do soldiers on holidays, parents and girlfriends of soldiers whether on holiday or not …. Arghhh
Mor e later, perhaps, duty calls.
… though God knows that if I never learn another thing iny lifetime, I’ve already absorbed enough for eternity.
We’re all dragging on the fag-end of life and attempting to make the tip glow. He’ s thrown down the gauntlet. Come on now, don’t be frit, hi-tail over there and take him on directy, mano a mano. I’ll hold ya coat!
Frank P – 11:53
Recently, I’ve noticed how Mr. Boot doesn’t respond well to anything in the comments section of his blog that he doesn’t think expresses 100% agreement with the text of his sermons. He can turn, with varying degrees of ‘nasty’, in a heartbeat, even on regulars who make generally supportive comments if he thinks they are dissenting on minor points. He doesn’t appear to be able to let anything go. Whilst all this is a source of mild amusement to me, I do think that if Mr. Boot is going to enable comments on his blog, for the sake of his health, then he really ought to try and develop a slightly thicker skin!
I was just researching, to no avail, CHW’s passim for an example of Malfleur trying to goad Frank P to visit Tommy Robinson in HMP Norwich when I came across this interesting historical exchange… It was a time when Verity was extant, and a mysterious “woman” called Edith spontaneously appeared. About the time when Dmitri the imposter first took up with that fur hat!
EC 12.34
Agreed, he’s a sensitive soul and it’s a pleasure to wind him up.
One gains an insight into his character; argumentative, bloody minded, supercilious, etc from his autobiography “How the Future Worked”. Which entertainingly describes a nefarious young rascal and ne’r do well who would argue blacks’ white and vice versa for the sake of it.
Steal it f you can…
A typical Wallster really.
EC (12:34)
Yes indeed. Another good reason to encourage the Baron to lock horns with him. At my t.o.l. blood sports are still fun, but only as a spectator. And football has recently become rather – er – fey. All hugging and kissing, and at times entire-team-plus -manager-wanking with a ball boy occasionally joining the scrum for the benefit of those with more exotic tastes. As for Rugby Union, a downright public display of unfettered sodomistic foreplay. Can you envisage the dressing room communal bath after a particularly ‘close’ match? Belay that – don’t even try. Boxing? Bent as buggery – always has been – always will. So Polemical discourse is my only amusement these days. And even that seems to be riddled with ‘gender’ politics.
Btw I sometimes think that ACP/Dmitri tossed the Boot blog into the mix to see how it would colour the Wall. He occasionally thereafter popped in and jibed at both sides just to keep the pot boiling. A shit-stirrer emeritus?Disappointed that his spurs are not more active here currently.
Do you think he invented the ‘occasional yank from Cornshire’ just to keep another plate spinning?
TWTD [Austin Barry; ACP; Verity; AWK; and so on and on and on … ]
Enough of this nostalgia – on with the motley. But as a parthian shot, hearing about P from M’s ‘answered prayers’ might provide a fillip in these apocalyptic times? But as a ‘ determinist’ I would probably not have the necessary qualifications to be allowed to share the secret of answered supplications from the Original Source of Everything. Shame.
Noa (13:53)
Agreed. I went even further and actually bought it. Great insight into the zeitgeist of Russia of his youth and helped me to understand some of the repercussions for this nation – some of which I was obliged to confront both on a professional and personal level in those days 🙂
Tsar Ivan takes Power and Captures Kazan .
(Sergei Eisenstein. 1944. [10 mins] )
`The Muscovy Prince has no right to be tsar ! `
`Europe will not recognize him as a tsar `
`If he’s strong enough ,it will.`
Steyn’s Hungarian Rhapsody:
Baron 1128
How long have you got?
As I have posted before the drive to domination of Central Europe has dominated the grabbing paws of the Russian bear.
Ask any Pole (and there are 831000 here in the UK) about their grabbing ways from the Partition Wars of 1792 on.
Yes the evil Soviet Regime were probably a little worse than before but after a brief blip of Yeltsin they are back to their old tricks.
Putin is an expansionist demagogue and anything that destabilises him is good for Central Europe and the world.
This is why we must trumpet Navalny and any force that destabilises Putin is good.
I bow to your experience but we must protect ourselves from the international aspects of Putin’s aggression.
The BITBOTB discusses the impending You Tube censorship ploy – by ‘demonetization’.
The meeja war is hotting up.
A good article at ConHome:
The remains of Remain still don’t understand Leave voters or Brexit – particularly on immigration
It does explain what I like about TM, but doesn’t mention what I don’t, but then, that has been posted earlier.
RobertRetyred – 00:53
The first post, by SapphirePhoenix is a beauty.
Just seen Carswell’s admission: what a *****!
And then there’s Hillary Benn’s effort: another *******!
“ICYMI, this is probably one f the most important posts ever at WUWT. “Mike’s Nature Trick” redux”
Anthony Watts [@wattsupwiththat]
I apologise for proffering an article with absolutely no information on Brexit, or the CEO of SMERSH.
EC (10:06)
Having just ploughed through the article and the comments I am heartened by the joyful humour of this endless debate. Just imagine what the Steyn v Mann court case will be like, if it is ever convened, supposing that one or the other doesn’t pop his clogs first and resolves it that way.
Meanwhile this milch cow for shysters rolls on.
And as I look through my rain spotted double glazing and muse that the weather report yesterday informed us that the sun would shine here today, the joke of climate science intensifies exponentially.
Kudos to you for being able to infer that the article and comments contain absolutely no information on Brexit, or the CEO of SMERSH. Had you not pointed that out – I trust your perspicacity in these matters – I could have been gulled into thinking that it was the lucid explanation of both – and Don Trumpo to boot. 🙂 🙂
The CO2 emissions from the Westminster Gasworks today are suffocating. Not to mention the methane spurting from the orifices of the inmates, particularly from the treasonous, toxic Caledonian crew. Can we persuade Trumpoto rebuild Hadrian’s Wall? I’d contribute to the fund.
Mean it was of the barbarian to avoid commenting on the omni-all one piece that you think was aimed at him, although yawn wasn’t that inappropriate. Here goes the n;
On shooting of the airline: it seems only the omni-all one’s certain Putin’s to blame for shooting down the MH17, the Australians, who must have more evidence to ponder on, evaluate, and digest differ in that they believe the Ukrainians were using the cover of the commercial airlines overflowing the combat zone to hit the rebels from the air, that would make Kiev complicit in the tragedy whoever it was that down the Malaysian plane.
On money laundering: not much to quarrel with, but not all money gets syphoned off offshore through this illegal route, the family of the Russian welder that acquired an apartment in Prague did it above board, ordinary Russians can hold accounts in dollars (or any other major world currency) both within and without Russia, something they couldn’t even dream of when the Red Menace was in charge.
On Russia feeding herself: he’s absolutely right, it’s a disgrace a country of the size of Russia used to import apples, potatoes, bacon and stuff to the tune of $35bn or so. Perhaps, the farmers from countries such as the UK, US, the Republic, Ireland can help putting it right.
On Russia manufacturing trinkets: The country’s massive natural resources, the ease of mining them what with today’s technology, the world’s incessant demand for the stuff have hindered Russia’s manufacturing, the abundance of natural resources has been both a beneficial asset, and a curse on a scale greater than Britain’s hollowing up after the discovery of the North Sea oil deposits. At least the Russians didn’t fall into the trap we did, they had tucked away some of the revenues, had a cushion when the double whammy of low oil prices & sanctions hit the country in 2014.
On the Russians living as free and as well as the Romanians: The 100 demonstrations across Russia few days back speak for the freedom, the issue of how well the Russians live we’ve covered, the Ivans don’t wake up depressed each day because the American GDP per capita is umpteen times that of theirs, their calibrating point is what they had in their pockets when the Red Menace ruled.
The same goes for the American burghers, the average wage in the Republic hasn’t risen in the last few decades at all, it explains why the Donald is in the Oval Office, the average wages of the Russians got boosted massively since Putin took over, it largely explains why Putin’s still in the Kremlin, will be after the next year’s election.
On the Russians treating neighbouring countries as friends not as a prey: To say he’s bonkers on this is grossly unfair to those who are mentally off. He must know that letting Sevastopol fall into the hands of a power that behaves as an arrogant bully would have been the end of Russia, every Russian leader (even the vodka loving Boris) would have balked letting the Americans taking control of the peninsula, (Baron won’t repeat what he said so often in the past his lips are beyond chipped).
Consider the last two or three centuries, which of the European countries with serious wealth, access to the seas, hunger to make money exploiting lands in far away places have not had colonies far away from their own borders? Any country springs to mind?
The last thing Russia has desired since the first sitting of the Duma in 1612 was a noticeable territorial expansion (more or less), she has always had lands galore, often more than she could cope with e.g. Alaska, to let Crimea slip from her control, however, would have been the ultimate act of treachery, Putin had no option but to take over the place, how could the omni-all not see it (Navalny, other left leaning Russians can) beggars belief. Blinded by hatred, no?
The one word missing in the saintly One statement in the House when she was talking about what Britain will be like after leaving the Brussels bureaucracy was ‘sovereign’. Pity this because e not only does it sum up what many voted for, but very much resented the absence of when Brussels ruled.
Baron 14-11
Absolutely, that was the very reason I voted out. Everything else was peripheral .
RobertRetyred @ 17:31
Short but telling, Robert, hard to make even a guess what sort of a country will live those celebrating New Year in 2030 (a singularly haunting thought, no?).
Caligula may have missed this
“What will President Trump do after the Obamacare debacle?
For 48 hours, some Hill Republicans – and Trump himself – spoke as if the president and the GOP could smoothly, seamlessly and swiftly pivot to tax reform. Then, Monday night, came an Axios report that Trump might choose to pursue an infrastructure bill – the only measure with even a hope of some Democratic support – at the same time as tax reform.
Whatever the final decision, Trump and Hill Republicans are in danger of failing again if they do not direct their every action toward the creation of jobs and an increase in wages. That’s why Trump won the presidency, and it is what voters expect of him.
“Trump and Republicans have two big numbers that are the measurements of success,” says a GOP pollster and strategist involved with the efforts on Capitol Hill. “One is how many jobs are created. Two is how much wages go up. He has to have both of them.”
Democrats often point to the number of jobs created in the eight years after Barack Obama took office amid an economic meltdown. Unemployment, which hit 10 percent in October 2009, is now 4.7 percent. But median household income is less than it was 10 years ago. People who are working don’t feel they have much chance of a raise or of finding a better-paying job.
That is why it is important for Trump not only to help create jobs but also raise wages. In its most recent poll – the one that found Trump’s job approval rating at 37 percent – Quinnipiac asked 1,056 registered voters this question: “Do you think the nation’s economy is getting better, getting worse, or staying about the same?”
Forty percent said the economy is improving – not a terrible number, especially when just 16 percent said the economy is getting worse. Perhaps the more alarming figure is that 39 percent said they believe the economy is staying about the same.
“Since (the economy) is bad now, saying things are the same is pessimistic,” notes the GOP pollster. In other words, when voters say the economy is the same, they often mean it’s still bad. Men tend to say the economy is doing a little better – 50 percent told Quinnipiac it is improving. But just 32 percent of women said the economy is getting better, while 20 percent said it is getting worse and 44 percent said it is the same.
If one takes those “same” answers as “it’s still bad,” that’s 64 percent who are dissatisfied with the way things are going. That is why Trump won last November. Yes, other issues – immigration, terrorism, Clinton fatigue – played a role, but the most basic reason Trump is president is because a lot of voters believed a change was needed to improve the economy.
To give perhaps an extreme example: This week the South Bend (Indiana) Tribune reported that a local restaurant owner, an illegal immigrant from Mexico who has been in the United States for nearly 20 years and has no criminal record, might be deported. His wife, a naturalized U.S. citizen, voted for Trump and is now stunned at what has happened, having believed only “bad hombres” would be deported under the Trump administration.
When the Tribune asked why she supported Trump, she answered, “I did it for the economy. We needed a change.” The new president took some early actions to address those concerns – the Carrier deal, executive orders killing the Trans-Pacific Partnership and cutting federal regulations on business.
But the first big legislative item Trump pursued was to repeal and replace Obamacare. One problem mostly unremarked at the time was that Trump didn’t even try to sell Obamacare replacement as a measure to increase jobs and wages. In his March 20 speech in Louisville, for example, Trump not only did not frame Obamacare as a jobs and wages issue, he didn’t even try very hard to portray it as a cost-of-living issue, offering only a few sentences on rising premiums and not once uttering the word “deductible.”
Obamacare repeal and replacement, as Trump presented it, was just something that had to be done before moving on to the fun stuff, which was tax reform. Now Trump is in fact moving on, to tax reform, or maybe to tax reform and infrastructure. Both are more obviously jobs and wages issues than Obamacare.
If he wants to succeed, that’s how Trump must shape and sell the legislation – and his entire presidency.”
It is all about momentum.
Only now coming across Noa’s literary recommendation of the century:
Be warned, buying the book will tell you only three things, but in great detail: in the times of the omni-all living in the USSR, every man, woman and child (even one not yet born) of the 220mn burghers was utterly stupid as in ‘stupid is as stupid does’ except he and a handful of his friends (by no means all), asininity ruled in every corner of the nationwide Gulag except in places the omni-all one gracefully bestowed with his presence (and only if he willed so), every single citizen of the country acted like a brainless robot in high spirits (with or without the vodka), jubilant and happy with the oppressive regime of the Red Menace except – yup, you’ve guessed it – the omni-all one, and a friend or two of his.
That’s about it, so if you cannot think of a more useless way of getting rid of just over a tenner, go ahead, buy it, but hurry up, the Amazon has only one copy left (and two absorbing reviews, of which one says of the book it’s ‘Dickens and Hogarth rolled into one’, arghhh).
“Amazon has only one copy left”
One of their marketing tools.
Malfleur @ 05:19
Imagine, Malfleur, if it were the Donald doing the deal, Ivanka delivering the speech, the issue becoming public now. There wouldn’t have been even an impeachment process, the man, his family, everyone he has ever talked to, just walked by in his life would have been locked up, possibly strung up.
A strange world we live in.
“Frank P
March 29th, 2017 – 12:35
The CO2 emissions from the Westminster Gasworks today are suffocating. Not to mention the methane spurting from the orifices of the inmates, particularly from the treasonous, toxic Caledonian crew. Can we persuade Trumpoto rebuild Hadrian’s Wall? I’d contribute to the fund.”
Sturgeon is getting more nauseous by the week but this time she has overreached herself.
Ms May will push any decision beyond the next Scottish election which I doubt she will win.
Merkel yesterday illustrated why we fought 2 world wars.
To paraphrase we will not negotiate trade until you agree to pay up £60 Million.
Marshal Roberts @ 08:18
‘That is why it is important for Trump not only to help create jobs but also raise wages’, says the guy in that clip, Marshal.
How exactly does the Donald create jobs and raises wages? By repealing Obamacare (because premiums are tax deductible in the new plan)?
The only way jobs and wages can improve is if the cost of the other ingredients that go into the wealth creating machinery reduce, leaving more for the component that matters because that component has a vote – labour.
One of the ingredients over which the Donald has an indirect control is oil/gas. That’s what he should focus on, go for, open up the Republic vast spaces to anyone who wants to drill, give incentives to private land owners, fund research how to make it safer more efficient, stuff like that. Also, kick the opposition to it, the green lobby, in the groin because they’ll try everything to stop that happening.
He does that the jobs and dimes will follow, but relying on deductions on Obamacare premiums, hmmm
March 30th, 2017 – 08:24
My dear Baron. If you’ve read it you are entitled to comment.
If you haven’t your critique is without value.
£60 Billion
Mind you cheap at the price to be shot of these b*stards.
Marshal Roberts
08:35 Absolutely, but Billion? (£60 mill is a mere bagatelle in EU terms)
08:32 You are right but unfortunately the next Scottish “parliament” elections are on Thursday 6th May 2021, so we can expect that dreadful woman banging on about indyref2 for some time. She’s using the issue to divert the Scottish public’s attention away from the hash that she and her SNP are making of running services in Scotland. The Labour meltdown in Scotland cannot last forever, and I think that they will start to claw back seats previously lost to the SNP in local council and subsequent GE, and SP elections. Stirring up nationalist hatred, division and anti English sentiments are Sturgeon’s only hope of keeping her own and the SNP’s pot boiling.
See George Laird, a former member of the CHW congregation, for further updates:
In particular, CHWallsters might enjoy this video, and find “sherbie’s comment da unten amusing:
“‘Sit Down’ Conservative leader Ruth Davidson tells unpopular Nicola Sturgeon to sit down during #indyref2 debate, the Nationalist sheep react badly as their ‘heroine’ is simply dismissed, rattled Sturgeon points ‘the finger’ in Holyrood Chamber”
imo Ruth Davidson is wasted in the Scottish Parliament. Westminster Tories could do with more no nonsense ,ballsy (*) women like her amongst their ranks. In fact, I’d like to see her leading the Brexit team with David Davis underneath her!
* Set that one up for you, Frank 🙂
Noa @ 09:36
The former, my dearest Noa, the former, the barbarian is known to make ‘errors of judgement’, too, he bought the book, it’s a signed copy, are you in the market for signed copies of an epoch making literary output? (sorry, about the superlative adjective, the barbarian just couldn’t resist, it isn’t meant badly).
More to the point, my sparring partner, the barbarian lived there, too, after Nikita shocked the world (even more his fellow communist thugs), some of the time in Ljubjanka, who knows, he may have passed the omni-all one in the streets when he was a free walker.
Of course, the short slicing of the book @ 08:24 is a gross exaggeration, a rather sickening attempt to show the omni-all one in bad light, denying him credit for the huge part he played in the downfall of the evil regime whilst residing in it. But would one expect anything else from an poorly educated Slav?
Btw, your take on the tome is as valid as Baron’s, who has no problem with yours, we are after all all different.
What do you make of this? It’s got John Pilger in it, but the clips are telling, and the lecture at the end?
If you are genuinely interested learning about the Russian character as it was when the Georgian thug ruled get yourself anything by Vassily Grossman, in the barbarian’s view the badly neglected giant of modern Russian literature, start with the Armenian sketchbook, finish with his ‘Life and Ftae’.
Damn, sorry, it’s’Life and Fate’.
No more from the annoying one, duty call s.
Noa – 09:36
I was there at the book launch when Baron bought a copy and the great man signed it. Mind you, that doesn’t mean to say Baron has actually read it 😉 I would have bought it at the time but my arthritic fingers were unable to prise my wallet open. Although I’ve subsequently two other of Mr. Boot’s books I haven’t yet managed to purchase “How The Future Worked”, so therefore I have a question…
Does his book reveal anything that is actually verifiable about him? Like his real name, hometown/suburb/village, University, employer. etc. Everywhere on the internet where Mr. Boot is mentioned, or published, there exists the same sketchy potted bio with the exact same wording. [a tribute to cut n paste by the “pisseurs de copie!” ]
He is such an enigma that if he were, say, Obama then I’d be demanding to see his birth certificate!
“subsequently bought”
EC (10:11)
“* Set that one up for you, Frank ”
I am torn! But dont you think I’ve given vociferous vocal vaginas enough stick pro tem. Particularly those who only want to share it with other vvv’s?
🙂 🙂 And at least that one leans to the right as she indulges.
EC (10:40)
You mean he’s a MI6 invention, to counteract the FSBs “undereducated Slavic noble one”? Two more coats of the matryoska? I feel used! 🙂
Anyone with him on this analysis, sardonic satire to one side?
IOW – Brexit my arse!
Frank P 11.35
Yes, the bloody minded old curmudgeon is correct, In the true spirit of British political and military leadership May and co are conceding the battlefield before the fight.
Conservatives? My arse!
Frank P – 11:35
That was very good, and amusing to boot! He has listed most, if not all, of my misgivings about Mrs May, and my concerns for the prognosis for the UK as a result of the Brexit process.
Frank P – 11:21
MI6? Yes of course, it’s obvious, isn’t it, that he was undoubtedly ‘tapped on the shoulder’ whilst still in short trousers and then placed under the tutelage of the Rt. Rev. Grigori Jeremiah Rasputin-Wright.
So yall on your own now.
Good luck to you.
I hope it goes better than The Donald is going.
Thanks for your post.
I think I owe Baron an apology, if he is referring to Boot’s “The Future etc..” I’d taken his to be referring to my recommendation to Conradi’s “Who Lost Russia?”
Actually Boot’s book, whilst enjoyable, was unsparing in his portrayal of himself as a flawed character with few redeeming qualities. Still the message was clear, if he was bad, life in Uncle Joe’s legacy state was worse…
John Jefferson Burns – 12:29
Hi Andy, how’s it hangin’?
And finally, of Mr Boot’s autobiography, I had thought my penetrating Frank Leavis-like analysis of his light, amusing but inconsequential tome, had made it clear it wasn’t worth buying… “steal it…”
Life in Joe’s land is covered better elsewhere in fiction, i.e Solgenitsyn’s “Cancer Ward” and “The Gulag Archipelago” and Koestler’s “Darkness at Noon”
And EC, bless you, you’e a tightwad after my own heart! Arthritic fingers prevented you from opening your wallet indeed. More likely it was your desire to prevent the deadly plague of killer moths that would have been unleashed upon the world…
That wasn’t a dig, Frank, just attempt at humour. Needed more work. By contrast, Mr. Boot’s piece today was very good in the humour stakes, (THE most effect weapon!) and no doubt it wasn’t as effortless as he made it look.
btw. anybody know what the legal latin for “habeas birth certificate” is?
EC (13:43)
Don’t have to explain, buddy. I geddit! Moreover ’twas in the spirit of the foregoing repartee.
As for latin for habeus birth certificate, “Obamus Bovinario faecalato forgerum.” Excuse my French!
Careful now Noa (13:19) you are dealing with an expert in field of killer moths; our EC is a lepidopterist of great accomplishment – I have the downloads to prove it. And forget ye not that I dwell adjacent to Dersingham bog, with HMQ as a neighbour and moff-diving, whether bellicose or pacifist , is prevalent; so I can also claim at least a modicum of at least basic knowledge of the science – by osmosis.
For sale.
One copy of “How the Future Worked”.
Free moth release upon confirmation of sale.
Offers to
The Ark etc
Extracted from Chapter 1 of the White Paper “Legislating for the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the European Union”.
“1.12. In order to achieve a stable and smooth transition, the Government’s overall approach is to convert the body of existing EU law into domestic law, after which Parliament (and, where appropriate, the devolved legislatures) will be able to decide which elements of that law to keep, amend or repeal once we have left the EU. This ensures that, as a general rule, the same rules and laws will apply after we leave the EU as they did before.”
Mmmm. How much bad legislation ever gets repealed? Vide the iniquitous iniquitous ‘Race/Hate’ laws that now control the EU Better not to create, or rather re-create it in in the first place.
Still, to paraphrase Flanders and Swann, it all makes work for the working politician to do.
“…The Bundeswehr has already integrated two-thirds of the Netherlands’ military formations into its own units, within the framework of its cooperation with its armed forces. It has also begun to integrate a Czech and a Rumanian brigade into German divisions. ( reported.[5]) Germany could launch “the creation of a European formation, a sort of Europe Division,” suggests the DGAP. It could “gradually, by 2020, set up an additional approx. 20.000 strong division” – “and call on the European partners to participate.”
A new Netherlands Waffen SS is in formation.
Are the caveats proposed by Hungary likely to be effective? One is doubtful
“…Over the weekend, Hungary’s Foreign Minister, Peter Sziijártó expressed his approbation for such a project. He can very well imagine “that we will set up even more multinational units,” affirmed Sziijártó. However, the prerequisite would be that final decisions on missions for these new units, remain with the nation states. Besides, “the European defense must be reinforced within the framework of transatlantic structures.”[6] If these conditions are met, Hungary, according to its foreign minister, “is one of the most ardent advocates of a common European army.”
Whereas Berlin and Brussels are insisting on the concrete implementation of the plans to create “European” armed forces, Saturday’s “Rome Declaration” merely rehashed the propaganda phraseology intended to water down the Union’s militarization. The declaration speaks of a “community of peace, freedom, democracy,” and “human rights.” A mere glance at the EU’s pervasive poverty,[10] the military hermetization of the EU’s external borders, or even the militarization of the Union itself, would expose what is really camouflaged behind the “Rome Declaration’s” platitudes. “We pledge to listen and respond to the concerns expressed by our citizens,” the document says. “We have united for the better. Europe is our common future.”
Noa – 16:38
If they start to amend the legislation ‘on the fly’, they are likely to get bogged and never recover.
Given that there is much to amend, much better to get it across and then start amending and deleting according to current needs: it ought to make reviewing old legislation an ongoing activity. I expect it is like computer code, sometimes it is better to think and then write what is needed, rather than amending it line by line according to strict rules, and sometimes not! Also, this way, it is more likely that it will be done in an easier atmosphere, and I am not talking CO2.
Have we had this Mark Steyn Show listed here? It’s a pretty horrid subject:
The Mark Steyn Show with Ann McElhinney and Phelim McAleer
God I hate that Sturgeon woman. Like a particularly nasty little girl, jumping up and down, desperately trying to hog attention from the grown-ups.
She reminds me of Violet Elizabeth Bott.
Sod off, Sturgeon, and leave us in peace.
David Cameron says he never ‘liked’ EU and is glad referendum happened
Putin’s Russia:
“The country’s democracy rating of 129 puts her below Saudi Arabia, that famous bastion of pluralism, but – and here one must doff one’s hat – just a whisker above Somalia.”
I was taken to task for criticising Russia the other day but this is from the horses mouth:
“DG: Russia is a threat not only to Lithuania but to the whole region and to all of Europe. We see how Russia is behaving in Kaliningrad, a Russian enclave on our border. There they have deployed nuclear-capable missiles that can reach European capitals. It is not just about the Baltic region anymore.”
DG is the
Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite
“The SS set up training camps so that German Jews, who were going to go there, could be trained to cope with a very different sort of country when they got there. When the Zionist movement asked would the Nazi government stop a Jewish Rabbi from doing their services in Yiddish and make them do it in Hebrew, he agreed to that.
They passed a law that said only the Zionist flag and the swastika are the only flags that could be flown in Germany. And then, of course, they started selling pistols to the underground Jewish army. So you had, right up until the start of the second world war, real collaboration. And when, in July 1937, many senior Nazis gathered at their foreign office saying they should stop sending Jews to…because it could create a Jewish state, in the middle of that meeting a directive comes specifically form Hitler saying no – we will continue with this policy.’
So was that Oswald Mosley, Nick Griffin or Tommy Robinson.
Of course not, it was Red Ken of course.
Am I alone in thinking David Davis lacks the necessary gravitas for the job?
Marshal Roberts 19:02
You could well be. T.May is running the country with a team, and that includes DD, and that creates a greater strength than stars such as Blair, Brown and Cameron, even though one walked on water and another saved the world: pity about Cameron. Apparently, he is a bit of a Brexiter! 🙂
Marshal Roberts (19:02)
That piece has already been filleted ad nauseam above. It had a mixed reception. Moreover it led to the stealing and buying of books and a measure of gentle piss-taking throughout two full days.
See March 27 (21:52 et seq) 🙂
30 March 1867 ( 150 years ) : Russia sells Alaska to USA.
Radford NG
16 July 2008: Gordon Brown sells UK sovereignty to the bastard bureaucracy of Brussels.Not an anniversary, but every day since then has been one of treason and infamy.
One for the eggheads, techies and anti-regulation buffs:
It is a little prolix, repetitive in patches, but very interesting. Be afraid, be very afraid:
Makes Bog Bro seem benign by comparison. Is the end of individual freedom and privacy already over – and should we be asking the help of government? Or just refising to join the ever-extending daisy chain?
h/t American Digest. Thanks Gerard.
One for the eggheads, techies and anti-regulation buffs:
It is a little prolix, repetitive in patches, but very interesting. Be afraid, be very afraid:
Makes Bog Bro seem benign by comparison. Is the end of individual freedom and privacy already over – and should we be asking the help of government? Or just refising to join the ever-extending daisy chain?
h/t American Digest. Thanks Gerard.
Whoops! The software usually rejects an inadvertant double-hit on the send button. Sorry about that – Word Press knobbled?
Where’s the Royal Navy when you want them? Or should it be the Kriegsmarine now?
Newsletter 2017/03/28 – Struggle over Marginal Seas
BERLIN (Own report) – German military specialists are evaluating the
growing significance of the Baltic and the Black Seas in the West’s
power struggle with Moscow. These two “marginal seas” are of great
importance to Russia, according to a recent analysis published in the
specialized periodical “MarineForum.” Whereas the Baltic Sea serves
Russian maritime trade as a “gateway to the Atlantic,” the Russian
Navy needs the Black Sea as a strategically central “diving board into
the Mediterranean,” facilitating Russia to gain influence from the
Middle East all the way to the Indian Ocean. Whereas NATO controls the
access to both “marginal seas,” Moscow is seeking to consolidate its
strategic positions, and to better extend its reach from the Black Sea
into the Mediterranean. NATO is seeking countermeasures to again
confine Russia, the MarineForum writes. Germany is also expanding its
activities in and at the Black Sea and is inviting allied navies to
participate in joint maneuvers in the Baltic Sea.
Rod Liddle on Sturgeon, from the Barclay Bugle:
The thing that got me about the photo-graph which prompted the Daily Mail’s harmless but now infamous headline ‘Never mind Brexit — who won Legs-it!’ was what I shall call the Sturgeon Lower Limb Mystery. In the photograph, the SNP leader seemed to be possessed of two slender and very long legs indeed. Whereas we know from television news footage that her legs are only seven inches long from her toes to that bit where they join the rest of her body. Walking to Downing Street for meetings, or being interviewed on the hoof by camera crews, Nicola Sturgeon usually resembles a slightly deranged Oompa–Loompa, or, as many have commented before, Janette Krankie. But if you tilt that photo of her with Theresa May, so she’s sort of standing upright, she’s an Amazon.
I have contacted the SNP about this apparent anomaly but, oddly, they have yet to get back to me. I suppose when they do they will insist it’s just the camera angle. But I suspect Ms Sturgeon is tired of unflattering comments about her legs and has taken to wearing some complex prosthetic device. Two titanium leg extensions with the join, where her proper toes are, shaped to look like knees. I think that is a little deceitful and I am sure the Scottish voters agree with me.
inRead invented by Teads
So, we are at last triggered. Almost every twist and turn of Brexit holds its own little beaker of joy and opportunity for schadenfreude. Last summer, the Tory Leave campaign was led by Boris Johnson, who one suspects really wished to remain in the EU. Now, Brexit is being pursued vigorously by a prime minister who was in favour of remaining.
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And the official opposition is led by a man who clearly wished to campaign to leave but was prevented from so doing and now has to prosecute the Remain case with a very uneasy expression on his silly face. Prevented from being pro-Leave by a parliamentary Labour party whose most senior politicians — the Blairites especially — represent some of the most fervently pro-Leave constituencies in the country. The other irony being that some of those in Labour who campaigned for Leave — such as the admirable Kate Hoey — represent the most pro-Remain constituencies in the country. Never before have our politics been so hilariously muddled and counter-intuitive.
And then, just to add to the fun, there are those other two parties, the SNP and Ukip. The latter has almost ceased to exist and is now denuded of its only MP, something which — again, counter-intuitively, unless you have met Douglas Carswell — seems to have cheered them up enormously. Paul Nuttall’s party is still determined to make Brexit its key issue, despite the fact that its voters in the North and Midlands are far more bothered about immigration. And so it is in the position of yearning for the government to renege, backslide or water down the nature of our leaving, so that it might have a raison d’être once again, despite having had good cause to claim a singular success in that we are leaving at all.
The SNP, meanwhile, was propelled into power in Holyrood and into an unseemly number of seats in the House of Commons not because it is left-wing, but for many of the very same reasons which prompted people south of the border to vote Ukip and Leave and which are also behind the rise of the largely right-wing populist parties across Europe. Sturgeon’s legions offered patriotism and a clear sense of national identity, allied to a corrosive but justifiable disaffection with the establishment elite. And yet the party disdains the populism which occasioned its success because it considers itself to be relentlessly, drearily, grimly ‘progressive’, in the manner of a pancreatic tumour. And so, as the voters desert the party north of the border, it hunkers down into its only truly popular policy, a demand for independence from an aloof elite. It is becoming mono-maniacal, a kind of Ukip manqué except with ginger hair and very short legs. It deluded itself into thinking that its popularity stemmed from an inherently left-wing and liberal-minded public in Scotland but is now beginning to gather, as the Scottish Tories and the Liberal Democrats make inroads into its vote, that the best thing left to do is simply shout at an increasingly shrill pitch: ‘Out! Out!’ Its candle may be very brief indeed.
On the big issues of the day, and particularly Brexit and immigration, neither of the major parties are able to be clear about what they stand for, or even what they don’t stand for. The Liberal Democrats, God bless them, are pretty clear on both of those issues. And yet they are picking up new votes not so much in liberally minded Remain regions, but (as I mentioned before) from largely pro-Leave disaffected former Labour voters in the North and Midlands who can see that Ukip is a busted flush and need a conduit for their protests. But then it is hardly surprising that the electorate is becoming a little muddled in its thinking, given the dog’s dinner with which it has been presented.
Still, it is probably as well that the Conservative party chose as its leader a politician from the Remain camp, because otherwise it would currently be aping the behaviour of a nematode worm, which stabs itself to death with its own penis. And on the continental mainland there is not the remotest agreement between the unelected EU panjandrums and the nationally elected leaders about how to handle Brexit and what miseries might be extracted from us. Long may this confusion and anarchy reign, as it helps us no end. And no wonder that the addled old anarchist Johnny Rotten is pro-Brexit and pro-Ukip. He has got the very tumult he always yearned for and which is proving, at the very least, to be interesting.
TOMMY ROBINSON (an English patriot in refuge from scoundrels)
You will find Alex Jones’s interview with Tommy on Thursday beginning at about 1hr 46 mins in here:
Goodbye England.
That Thursday show also does a job on Jean-Claude Juncker and on the Globalist barbarians in general and their strategems and also has the March interview with James Rawles. Watch the whole thing.
Frank P @ 00:25
All computers hackable? Hmmm, how does one hack a computer that’s not coupled with the net either physically through a pair of copper wires or off-air?
Then he goes on saying: ‘Traditionally, computer security is divided into three categories: confidentiality, integrity, and availability’.
When paper was the medium of recording what was ‘paper security’? Was it perhaps ‘confidentiality, integrity, and availability’?
“At a recent hacker conference, a security researcher analyzed 30 home routers and was able to break into half of them, including some of the most popular and common brands”, says the expert. So what? A hundred years ago at a locksmith conference, a thief looked at 30 locks, was able to break into all of them’.
Truism number One – is he trying to say that failures in doing whatever computer users do are more frequent than not? Because this is what would logically flow from this truism if attacks were easier than defence. Evidence says to the contrary.
Truism number Two – who indeed gives a shite if a game that’s essentially debilitatingly repetitive fails? Not the same for his example of avionics software, hence the code is of superior quality, treble backed, fail-safe.
Truism number Three – the same as T number Two applies here.
Truism number Four – he’s wrong, a burglar could come from miles away if he has a car, the same truism has always applied. When guns came about one individual could do more harm than when the implement to do harm was a stick.
Truism number Five – if people learnt that ‘Keurig coffee maker can force one to buy a particular brand of coffee’, it wasn’t the brand they liked, they wouldn’t buy Keurig coffee maker.
That’s about all the barbarian could take, the guy may be top grade on security of computers, but when it comes to the broader issues of security he’s out of his depth.
Noa @ 01:43
It makes sense, Noa, everything to stop the aggressive expansion of Russia, a country that doesn’t border with the Black sea, also to encourage the defensive measures of Germany that does, no?
Noa @ 02:07
Good points from the courageous Rod, Noa, and wittily said, too. What’s not to like when he says things such as “it (the demand for independence) is becoming mono-maniacal, a kind of Ukip manqué except with ginger hair and very short legs”.
Like L.C, Baron also cannot stand the sight of the fishmonger’s woman, something dreadfully unpleasant about her, not a drop of femininity, her thin lips akin to a snout-like mouth of a fish out of water, ghastly woman if that is what she’s.
John birch @ 18:04
Too late for the boy, John, if only he stuck to what he said he would do if the EU didn’t give him what he wanted, leave the monstrosity, he could have secured himself a truly enduring and illustrious place in that annals of Britain alongside her other greats, he didn’t, is toast.
Baron 06.07
The concern is that, following the recent Rome Declaration, the two traditional major powers in middle and Eastern Europe are both articulating expansionary policies over traditional contested ground and sea.
The difference is that Germany is using her predominant status within the EU to compensate for her current lack of military and naval capability and coerce her EU partners into a German dominated military alliance under the EU umbrella. The intention is that this alliance will supplant NATO and see German control replace the US.
How this will affect the UK remains to be seen. We are no longer a significant military power and do not hold the balance of power even in a Europe no longer led by the US.
You may consider all this to be a beneficial development, Given the history of Europe since 1618 I’m not so sanguine.
Baron 06.07
I agree, the fishmonger’s wife has no redeeming qualities; indeed one look from her would flash fry a bucket of deep frozen cod.
It is a shame the old tradition of arranged marriages no longer prevails in the LGBT world of Sco-nattery. I could envisage her in union with i.e fellow kindred spirit Robert Mugabe.
No doubt our fellow Wallsters could suggest other unions of benefit to the UK…
Noa – 09:26
In terms of general fuckwittery and intelligence quotient I would suggest that Nicola Sturdgeon and Maxine Waters would be an ideal pairing.
Marshal Roberts – 18:59
The Latvians were the most enthusiastic and prolific exterminators of jews in the Baltic states and Belarus. The sickening excesses of the 15th & 19th Waffen SS Divisions (1st & 2nd Latvian) where such that even the Germans were aghast.
The UK currently has 800 troops deployed in Estonia. That deployment might only be gesture politics but defending the un-defendable, and arguably the indefensible, is not worth the life of one British soldier, imo.
“Why Modern Art is Absolute Crap” [Chapter2]
Paul Joseph Watson
EC 10.08
They are very sorry about all that and are now good members of the EU and NATO. Anyway most have now emigrated and live in Borehamwood and Dresden.
Noa @ 09:18
Sorry for the flippancy, Noa, the barbarian has said many times over the last few years the German military were unhappy with the continuous American presence on their soil (you didn’t visit often, must have missed it), were aiming at getting them out, more than certain they can defend themselves what with over 170,000 manpower strength (and no enemy in sight, certainly not the Russians), the camouflaging of the Euro Forces as ‘a border force’ has always been to convince both the Americans (most important that), also the European unwashed the idea of EU’s own forces is justified (immigration control and all that).
It was one of the issues Mutti and the Donald disagreed publicly when they talked recently (nothing in common here), not that the MSM would even whisper it, for Donald it didn’t take long to abandon his pre-election idea curtailing the Alliance, he should have stuck with it though, or insist NATO re-structure, gets to resemble the idea of the EU Force, troops co-opted (as you posted), standard gear, solid knowledge of the language, one command (German, of course).
Any probable NATO operation in Europe would resemble what’s been happening in the ME and elsewhere, big coalition, but the command firmly in the US hands (rightly, too), the others playing the gofer roles, go for this, go for that.
Btw, it would be ironic if after-brexit Britain had to pay towards the EU Force (as far as Baron knows we’ve signed up to the idea in principle).
Noa – 10:28
Ah, Dresden! Not long after reunification I remember having a hire car for an extended period which had Dresden number plates.
Back then, to the folks in the genteel, more affluent, consumer orientated, materialistic western parts of the nation that could only mean one thing! i.e. I was a thug from the east, a criminal, most likely a Nazi, or a drug smuggler etc. etc. If they saw me get out of the car, nobody made eye contact. When I parked the car outside my brother’s house on weekends he took great pains to explain to his neighbours that I really wasn’t a criminal from Dresden after all, but merely a violent English football hooligan! 🙂 Those were the days… when Helmut Kohl was sat on the throne.
In 2017 ordinary German folk have far more pressing concerns.
EC @ 10:06
Hard to convince someone who doesn’t want to be convinced by rational argument, EC, the barbarian has given up, Marshal is probably blissfully unaware the Baltic Republic were not part of the USSR, got their freedom from the Tzars thanks to the October Revolution, turned dictatorships before Adolf arrived in 1940. Even if the KGB man wanted to re-dust the old Soviet Gulag why would he go for the Baltic bit, it wasn’t a part of the communist monstrosity.
Those who argue that the three de-populated Republics are today under threat from Putin, must have NATO troops stationed on their soil to defend them, never explain why would the Russians attack today with British, American, German or whatever soldiers walking around the place when they didn’t attack three years ago when it would have taken hours to drive through without the need to kill one single British, American, German or whatever soldier. Could Putin be that stupid?
The only tangible benefit from the thousands of NATO troops is the help to the local economies (the barbarian welcomes it, he has friends there, life’s fugging tough, nothing to do), the soldiers will spend money on drinks, girls and stuff, the units on services, possibly food supplies.
That may seem trivial to you, but as the saying goes ‘every little helps’, the EU assistance is coming (may have already come) to an end, there truly is little to shout about, everyone from that neck of the wood the barbarian talks to (more than six shops called locally ‘the Polish joints in his driving distance, all staffed by East Europeans, owned by the British, not one of the employees cum one guy who brings the stuff for one of the shops has yet to agree with Baron when he, Baron, says ‘you should, must feel safer now when the NATO men are there, in fact, what one of the girls shopping said on Monday is unprintable, she’s from Estonia, has a Russian boyfriend though).
Your British aloofness (or is it haughtiness?) may probably prevent you ever entering the premises run by these immigrants, but you should overcome the disdain, go in, be friendly, talk to the girls or young women (for young women they are who run the shops), after a while the girls will tell you things that will surprise you.
EC @ 10:08
Here’s a tough one:
What’s more appealing, the belief in Allah, or the belief in modern art?
Mother, 50, who ‘took in down and outs’ was stabbed alongside her son
Baron (05:47)
Wow! Up early, or abed late? Ahhh … conscience doth make insomniacs of us all.
Thanks for taking the trouble to plough through that treatise and fisk it with some reassuring home-spun analogies. Bear in mind clicking into the link was my way of escaping QT last night with its appaling panel, presenter and piffle and current repetitive crap from Fox News about who is, or is not hacking whom – when even my ancient experience tells me that of course in the world of spookery all are constatly spying on each other so WTF?
So the fact that Bruce Schneier was suggesting that we should not only agree with government demands for more regulation, but indeed clamour for it, came at a bad time: imagine committing regulation of The ‘World Sized Robot’ to politicians such as those on the panel. Moreover, though you may be able to read with such insouciance copy by someone who has clearly driven himself bonkers in this increasingly insane world of hooked up radio, electronics, microwave, gizmos, apps, and IT in all its multivarious eruptions – as someone who was weaned on Crystal sets, when the BBC had only just replaced 2LO, I found it all quite alarming and the arcane language that the techies have devised to communicate with each other quite depressing. 🙂 TFIF – and the last day of the month. April has always been a lifter for me.
Mark Steyn on the Commons, Canada’s Resolution M103 and Islamophobia and PC Palmer.
Having spent 30 years negotiating around the world the positioning prior to the actual commencement of Brexit negotiations brings on a feeling of deja vu.
Make no mistake, both sides are testing each others’ mettle in order to see who will blink first.
Apropos of nothing, looking out my window at my magnolia soulangeana, with its palest pink tulip-shaped flowers, and the daffodils bobbing away beneath it, my depression (awaiting some pretty awful surgery) lifts and I thought of Housman.
LOVELIEST of trees, the magnolia now
Is hung with bloom along the bough,
And stands in centre of my lawn
Wearing pink for Easter’s dawn.
Now, of my 78 years I ken
Twenty will not come again,
And take from seventy-eight springs a score,
It only leaves me fifty eight more.
And since to look at things in bloom
Fifty eight springs are little room,
Into the garden I will go
To see the magnolia hung with snow.
With deepest apologies to Housman, one of my favourite poets.
Noa (14:07)
Can add little to that brilliant and powerful monologue.
But as a tributary into the watershed of that atrocity two serious questions arise: at the time of high alert on the COBRA chart, why didn’t the estwhile Commissioner hand over directly the baton of responsibility to the incoming one, instead of each one taking the opportunity to indulge in a long holiday in the interim? Obviously the ‘acting’ guy also abrogated command or it wouldn’t have happened. The incident makes one wonder why any of the trio are worth a wank. As for the ‘head of counter terrorism’ at the Yard: his statement (the one recited by Mark) indicates exactly who and what he is. He looks it, too.
And a tradesman ‘left the gate open’? Holy shit! Nobody from high command sacked for supervisory failure? I despair! Millions upon millions of pounds sterling have been spent on camera and other tecnology – Central London is bristling with the shit. They can detect a gnat’s fart in the London roar. What’s the point, if those manning it all are asleep on the Job, or changing shifts? But that’s all about enforcement rather than prevention (the primary object of efficent policing at all levels, which Steyn covered comprehensively).
FUKUSHIMA! April 1st is tomorrow, right?
“A small event was held at the site, with members of the transgender and LGBT communities coming together to raise awareness”
Members? Looking at the photo I’m left wondering how many dicks they’ve got between them.
Frank P 15.20
Well summarised and as inciteful as ever.
Which is the truism?
Rank hath its privileges -meaning it carries no direct, public responsibility, (but God help you if you endanger those more powerful than you.) Or
‘My friend Biggus Dickus. He wanks with the highest in Wome you know’
L.C. @ 14:43
That’s the spirit, L.C., stay positive, indulge some more in Housman, feed the birds, another exercise that elevates the spirit often as much as the flowering magnolias, they are magnificent this year, are they not, not much rain, only light breeze, it suits them well, your visit to the pride of the nation will go fine, young sir, just have faith in your body to recover, it seldom fails, the barbarian very much expects you to be back, mended, will keep his fingers crossed.
EC @ 15:23
Who can tell, EC, perhaps the closeness to the stuff that makes body parts glow may speed up the transformation, heal the new bits quicker, one should wish them luck, no?
Frank P @ 15:20
More often than not it’s a small human error that fuggs up the most sophisticated systems man can put together.
You recall the scrambling of the fighter jets to intercept when the Twin Towers were attacked? All the elaborate systems worked to perfection except the guy who was supposed to tell he pilots where to go got it wrong, sent them to the sea.
Frank P @ 12:17
Your mentioning the guy’s pleading for more Government regulation compelled the barbarian to finish the piece, and indeed the man’s eager to get the Government involved, the last thing we need, one looks at the domains the State has a major say in – schooling, policing, the delivery of health – and the record is abysmal, if only the apparatchiks were to leave the high tech industry alone, some of the gadget suppliers will figure how to prevent hacking, some won’t, the pundits will soon know what supplier’s gadget to get.
Competition beats Government regulation hands down, never fails, it won’t fail on hacking either provided it’s allowed to rule.
In communist Czechoslovakia, there were many a commission, panel, study group and whatever looking into every aspect of car manufacture (providing jobs for more than the car manufacture itself) – quality, reliability, spare parts availability, and anything else the busybodies could think of, yet Skoda kept producing crap, one doubled the value of its car by filling it up with petrol, as the joke had it, in 1990, communism fell, the VW took over, the same people, but with no interference from the State, began making cars as good as the rest of pack. Why will the bureaucrats never learn?
This story has never made sense from the start.
Glasgow bin lorry driver avoids jail for getting back behind wheel
Who’s protecting him and why.
Noa @ 14:07
It may be the now cancelled show that helped Mark to become more relaxed speaker, Noa, this eulogy on the Westminster atrocity ranks the best the barbarian has seen. The coupling of the events in London with the resolution passed in the Ottawa’s House is a brilliant move, it contrast the two sides of the battle well.
The political elites (sans the Donald and his crew) have a problem, they’ve been following the line devised by the Hon Muslim, he may be gone, they’re still here, cannot do a U-turn for the glaringly obvious reason, at best they would look silly, at worst, lacking judgment, people would never again vote for them.
It may be the barbarian’s take on it is too simplistic, but not unlike in science, a new approach could only be had with a new crew. In the Republic, they have a chance to alter the course, we’re still stuck with the old direction of the compass.
John birch @ 17:06
Having heard it on the Classic FM news (only a short item), the barbarian was puzzled, too, the guy was caught driving a passenger car (not a coach), but doing so he was a greater danger to himself than anyone else because if he had a fit again, the chances are much greater he would have killed himself than anyone else.
The barbarian tested it driving, it took less than a second the pass a car, but the intervals where there was no car to pass were much much longer (if you follow the explanation).
As to who can be protecting him Baron has no idea, probably nobody, it’s just a sympathetic judge or a magistrate (?) who took pity on him.
Has the Colonel given up on us?
The Spring’s coming, the historic letter that one hopes will end the 44 years of submission to an alien power has been despatched, Noa began contributing regularly, but the man of one of the highest officer ranks is nowhere to be seen or heard.
Baron – 16:20
Bollocks, too !
Baron – 17:54
The last time I saw the Colonel he was serving with distinction in the comments section on Guido’s blog
Not convinced Baron.
He told lie after lie before the accident to keep his job.
His employer refused to name him when it sounded like a terrorist attack.
Then said they would never ever allow his name to be disclosed.
Then eventually it came out.
No prosecution even though he lied about his health.
No one in the cab appeared to do anything to stop the lorry.
It just doesn’t make sense.
Pat Condell’s latest:
“Hello Angry Losers – A Word To The Patronising Minority. Tyranny of the minority. The patronising illiberal elite who think ordinary people are too stupid to vote.”
Exactly, Pat!
This takes some time, but if you could watch the first part, the fast talking professor who defends the ban on Murray (one of Baron’s favorites, the Bell Curve is a must if you haven’t read it). Before the professor comes up (arghhh), there is a guy who says ‘free speech is the enemy of moral truth’, he can be heard clearly.
What’s the connection between free speech and moral truth? One can enjoy free speech with or without ‘moral truth’, cannot one? It’s just like saying ‘free speech is the enemy of boiled eggs, long trousers or bicycles’ which is crap.
If you also watch the Russian speaking expert, he says towards the end of his appearance that ‘when everything fails (for they have no concrete evidence of hacking, if they did have it they would know who did it, as they were able to say in the case of the two British hackers) when everything fails the Donald’s accusers say ‘the Republic has been under the attack by Putin’s propaganda’, then proceeds to also reject the accusation.
But, here’s the thing. Putin indeed must have had an indirect influence both in the Republic (and in Europe) because of his take on the things the progressives have been trying to install as the new societal norms – the gay marriage, a borderless world, the rainbow society, diversity as a strength et hoc genus omne.
People in the West know the KGB man’s against all the stuff, they themselves can stomach it only because of fear their jobs may be at risk, if they have a chance to express their genuine, not an enforced view (i.e. Brexit, the election in the US) they turn against the progressives’. This can be explained away as an influence (if you follow this rather convoluted reasoning).
John birch @ 18:15
You may have a point, John, the barbarian doesn’t know enough about it, remembers you had doubts before, but surely something would have come up by now, no?
EC @ 18:15
The 16:20 posting was meant to be a joke (as you well know).
Why has the Colonel given up on us? We seem to be losing out on numbers, even Marshal seems rather quiet today, one has to have thick skin to ‘enter the kitchen’ of the Wall, he sounded like he has one.
Baron – 19:13
My @18:15 badly worded. I meant that they’ll probably glow in the dark, too !
If I’m spared then I’ll see you on next week’s wall.
Mark Rowling warns to be vigilant against extreme right wing groups.
Extreme right wing leaders meet to plan a march in London. ( Meet 1pm Charing Cross;Saturday !st April. )
Article and comments – thought provoking:
‘Veterans from various US military branches are uniting to save children from sex trafficking pedophile rings.’
Dr. Nick Begich: Why Russia Is A Threat To Globalists
In celebration at the demise of a certain Irish Republican terrorist I have been enjoying a re-read of C H Bretherton’s “The Real Ireland” (1925), not least for its stark contrast to the pieties towards Ireland expressed today. The chapters on Sinn Fein, the Irish Free State and the “footnote” (actually an additional chapter) on the Irish Republican Brotherhood are especially excoriating and therefore enjoyable. The prose is brutally honest in its prejudice and bigotry (both founded, paradoxically, on empirical evidence and experience rather than imagination or “phobia”), not speaking to us from an unfortunate past but on the contrary testimony to the absolute freedom in that past for people to hold and express personal opinions.
Mr Bretherton might have been assailed in Letters to the Editor somewhere or rounded on by the salon dwelling targets of his magnificent scorn but he was not visited by the police of the time, “hate speech” not having been contrived then by the very forces whose wool was never pulled over that observant author’s eyes!
Elsewhere a modern review of this book states:-
“One of the most amusing and interesting books written about the Irish. It could not be published today – it would be declared racist, offensive, hateful. A lot has changed since the 1920s:, the war (and Irish hopes for a Nazi victory), entry into the European common market, the Celtic Tiger, the Ulster ‘troubles, the dissolution of the British Empire, the descent into degeneration in the UK, and so on. Nevertheless, this fascinating glimpse into the Irish character provides a perfect antidote to the carefully cultivated vision of themselves presented to outsiders, in particular the buffoons and assorted ignorami who drink green beer on ‘St Paddy’s Day”. Bretherton was no bigot – he was, for example, a Roman Catholic himself. His writing will make you chuckle!”
Nowadays the “prejudice and bigotry” of Mr Bretherton is available only to those who can claim that they, or rather the contrived identity groups that they represent, are victims of prejudice and bigotry, often involving the past tense. So that brutal honesty has become a brutal dishonesty, one sided, and usually perpetrated via the various infiltrating and infecting tentacles of the universal left. Am I free to dislike something and express it, even if that dislike is irrational? Now, not unless I can claim adherence to a specific and limited set of left-wing pieties, then I am not just exonerated but empowered to do so. Then, anything goes. Hang your heads in shame, those politicians who have facilitated this imbalance in the false name of progress.
It is tempting to quote from the book, to the intended discomfort of the likes of Gerry Adams and those metropolitan Blairite-sofa types who have aided and abetted Irish republican terrorism and murder since the 19th Century. But those chapters deserve to be read in their entirety by those who might be interested to do so, requiring them to fork out for a musty old book. I did, simply because I like to hold in my hands a tangible testimony to a more desirable and grown up age. I can understand why banned books were so important to those oppressed and seething under socialist authority. In an age now less dependent on books for communication the oppression manifests in “no-platforming” and the assaults, real and verbal, of orchestrated mobs of left wing Twits.
Having endured a long Cold War against that lunacy it is fantastic that it is now mainstream within, like infected blood. We have hauled inside the city walls not just one Trojan Horse but several, all built from the same destructive impulse.
It may become a tourist attraction after we’re out of the dreadful EU:
The man doesn’t spare anyone, has a point though:
Nice to hear your voice again, Colonel, Ireland and things Irish the barbarian has given up on years ago, the nodus the tribe nurtures seems unsolvable, only He could probably engineer it, appears uninterested.
One cannot get the book you’re referring to on the Amazon, other writings by Bretherton are there, amongst them Midas (the United States and the future (Foreign travelers in America, 1810-1935). Worth buying?
Baron (12:47)
Ahhh … but then you ignore the nexus of the nodus at your peril. 🙂
To me, symmetry is about the most pleasing source of pleasure (except perhaps one, which was expunged for me last year). Nature is bristling with it for the receptive eye. For that reason, this clip – the flip side – made me chuckle:
It also confirmed what I have also suspected: that mankind (pardon my un-p.c.) does not really belong in this universe. We are indeed ‘alone’.
Mark Steyn discusses age and identity – as manifested in America, France, Turkey and elsewhere:The “old white men” turn out to be surprisingly young, at least in France – while the Young Turks are greying. An earlier post than the one I left above.
Thought-provoking and inciteful.
Listen to the description of his walk in Malmo, the replacement of the Swedish blonde by bearded muslim men. A walk which one can be replicated in 20 British towns and cities.
Noa (14:58)
Last year I had a similar experience, driving from Heathrow to Central London ( with two of our beautiful grandaughters aboard) through Uxbridge, Hillingdon, Hayes, Hanwell, Ealing, Acton, Shepherd’s Bush, Notting Hill, Bayswater and Westminster. Once or twice I growled at the kalaidoscopic change of demographics, as I tried to express my regret at the different face of Greater London.
“Graaaan-dad!! You mustn’t say thaaat!!”
‘Stoooo late, Noa. It’s all too late.
The Clinton era and the echoes have not yet died, apparently:
The seething cauldron of the US of A is now about to reach the explosive boiling point. Let’s hope the Easterlies prevail, otherwise we’ll be showered with a short sharp shower of septic shit over Snettisham.
… and probably Shropshire, too!
Baron April 1st, 2017 – 12:47
Sorry, I only came to the writer via the subject matter. I have not read anything else by him – he seems to have written poetry. The book describes him as the late special correspondent in Ireland of the “Morning Post” and “Philadelphia Public Ledger”.
I catch up when I can but can contribute little of any value to the long debates about Messrs Boot and Putin. I learned some Russian at school, inspired by symphonic tone poems, but my last intimate dealings with that country were restricted to a sober understanding of the likely lifespan of the resources for which I was responsible should the men with snow on their boots cross the Elbe.
EC 1006 31st March
So what then?
Leave the Baltic states to Putin.
” but my last intimate dealings with that country were restricted to a sober understanding of the likely lifespan of the resources for which I was responsible should the men with snow on their boots cross the Elbe.”
The mere fact that there was that worry underlines the concerns about the Russian bear, revitalised by Putin.
Leopards do not change spots.
Colonel Mustard : apparently Bretherton’s book was taken out of circulation due to a libel case as he wrote that a leading officer of the Free State was responsible for the abduction and murder of a notable IRA man after the Irish Civil War.
Radford NG April 1st, 2017 – 19:28
Bretherton’s accusation or rather inference seems to have gone down a historical black hole. At least it is not mentioned in the speculation here:-
Bretherton wrote that responsibility for the murder of Lemass, which occurred in July 1923 “was brought home with reasonable certainty to Joe McGrath, then Free State Minister of Labour and head of the Free State Military Secret Service”.
Wiki says of McGrath that he was “in charge of the police Intelligence service of the new Irish Free State, the Criminal Investigation Department or CID. It was modelled on the London Metropolitan Police department of the same name, but was accused of the torture and killing of a number of republican (anti-treaty) prisoners during the civil war. It was disbanded at the war’s end; the official reason given was that it was unnecessary for a police force in peacetime. McGrath went on to serve as Minister for Labour in the Second Dáil and the Provisional Government of Ireland. He also served in the 1st and 2nd Executive Councils holding the Industry and Commerce portfolio.”
McGrath resigned in 1924 to pursue business interests, including some suspect lottery dealings and would certainly have still been a sufficiently known public figure in 1925 to object to Bretherton’s inference.
Terrorism, murder and politics have long gone hand in hand with Irish republicanism and it was quite extraordinary that the British government took such a benign and/or apathetic attitude towards the Irish Republic during the troubles.
Frank P @ 16:00
Why miss Southall, Frank, that would have boosted your spirits, perked you up, gave you a glimpse of the rainbow.
Colonel Mustard @ 17:45
Understood, Colonel.
When the barbarian was on the other side, he kept thinking ‘what’s keeping them’, today he knows, both sides were sticking to the carving of Yalta.
Frank P @ 16:22
This clip links with yours, Frank, you have to listen to the end where the poor misunderstood girl says she’s a victim of fake news and Russia’s behind it, arghhh
It’s still neatly balanced in the security agencies involved between those who believe the Donald will not make it, those who may be or are willing to tell the truth about the surveillance on him and his team, it’s everyone’s guess which side will prevail, but the Donald has two trumps (?) under his sleeve, he’s in command, the law is on his side both in the legal sense and administratively (what with Sessions in charge of the Justice Department).
Frank P – 16:00
Baron – 23:34
Southall is ‘better’ by train: the station name is in the sort of writing that is read from right to left.
I love it when feminazi’s get their comeuppance.
Gag her I say, whatever the ridiculousness of the crime.
Baron 23:34
No, I didn’t “miss Southall”. As a nation, we ceded that finally in 1976. At that time I was living just over the Ganges (aka The Grand Union Canal) in Brookside, Hayes and the ‘overspill’ was beginning to reach our street. We upped tent and moved to a newly built gaff on the outskirts of Ascot (still affordable at that time). Since then I have tried not to pass through ‘Sarfall’, but when I did (for the educational purposes of my grandkids – to remind them of the birthplace of their father and one of their three aunts before it became occupied territory) I closed my mind to its alien existence; regarding it as the first of the successful invasions of England that we failed to repel. As part of the white flight, I now lower my head in shame and pretend it’s not there. Through other manifestations of happenstance, the trouble ‘n’ strife and I are tucked away in the last refuge of Englishness, Narfuck, but our saucepan lids seem to have accepted the multi-culti melange and reside across the lower geographical portions of the nation and probably even voted ‘Remain’. But I don’t dare to enquire. Sometimes family cohesion is more important than ‘nation sovereignty’ which, let’s face it, was ceded soon after WW2, and cannot be restored, ‘Brexit’ notwithstanding. Listening to Michael Howard on Sunday Politics this morning only served to confirm my dismal analysis. The bastards are not even bothering to pretend any more. It’s not just a political travesty, it’s a civilisational tragedy.
“A senior Tory has been criticised for saying Theresa May would show the same support for Gibraltar as Margaret Thatcher did for the Falklands.
Lord Howard told the BBC Mrs May would show the same “resolve” as Mrs Thatcher did over the 1982 conflict.
The Lib Dems said he was “sabre-rattling”, while Labour asked how such “diplomacy” would help Brexit talks.”
Farron should repent.
As an impecunious youngster just out of university I lived just over the bridge from Southall in Dorchester Way Hayes for 9 months and then next door the other way in Hanwell. We called Southall Bombay but I see that has now been abolished, Bombay that is.
Baron 0034
All these internal accusations are a smokescreen to hide the real villain here which is agents recruited by the Федеральная служба безопасности Российской Федерации.
Frank P at 14-17:
Darcus Howe ( age 74 ) goes to the great Mangrove Restaurant in the sky.
RadfordNG (17:40)
I assume you mean Radford Howe alias ” Darcus Owusu” alias Darcus Howe, notorious communist race agitator. Stand by for black bullshit by the bucketful. Note the sources of the off-the-cuff eulogies from this BBC. Birds of a feather. Pity Joan Rivers is still not around to deliver her verdict. He slid with oleaginous dexterity from one centre of race fomentation to another across the whole country and was the godfather of the race-relations industry/scam.
I’d like to think that there will be a contingent from MI5/MI6 and SO15 attending the funeral with cameras, as at a major mob send-off, to add to their mugshot files, but I fear that more likely a deputation of Common Purpose trained senior officers from NSY will be attending with flowers.
Another file closed. B.I.H. (along with Stokely Carmichael, Malcolm X, Michael X and many lesser members of the crew who sailed in the same boat, funded by sino-soviet subs).
Much in various newspapers etc about last Saturday’s events in London . These are all about right-wing activists from Britain First and EDL ; street violence ; police activity ; 14 people arrested.
It doesn’t say that the violence is all from the UAF and others with B3 (?) pre-printed posters ; and all the arrests were from their ranks.
Sorry the above link for Howe has been changed – try this one:
Frank, 2104
This is music.
Putin gonna get nailed.
Putin? Get nailed? By whom?
International public opinion?
Marshal Roberts
April 2nd, 2017 – 22:00
That will be like being savaged by a flock of dead sheep.
Boy, did we let our ancestors down! At least in 1066 we put up a fight.
I’d almost forgotten about what happens to the Met’s whistleblowers until I was looking at the fiddling of crime records by the people who should be most concerned about their accuracy after the general public-the Police themselves. a complete and very surreal inversion of the concept and principles of natural justice the officer who was primarily responsible for exposing the corrupt and malicious practice, (instigated by whom, exactly? We never did find out), was forced to resign. Do the practices exposed still continue? Who knows? But I would be surprised if there had been any significant change in the under-recording of crime.
‘Russia Offers ‘Election Interference’ In April Fools’ Joke
Russia’s foreign ministry offered to help interfere in foreign elections in an April Fools’ Day joke published on official social media accounts Saturday.
The ministry posted a proposed voicemail message for its answering machines at Russia embassies.
“To arrange a call from a Russian diplomat to your political opponent, press 1,” the message begins. “To use the services of Russian hackers, press 2. To request election interference, press 3 and wait until the next election campaign.”
— Hat tip: Reader from Chicago’
Alex Jones plays some of Friday’s interview given by Matt Drudge to Michael Savage on Jones show yesterday.
More also of Infowars campaign on paedophilia and former Navy Seal Craig Sawyer’s efforts to rescue children in Europe and the USA from cages, torture, snuff films, sexual exploitation.
“…The schism is that the great majority of people in the West, and certainly in Canada, believe that there is some sort of supernatural spiritual force or intelligence, whether they translate this into religious practice or not, but that the academic communities, the media, and the higher levels of government are all almost entirely in the hands of atheists, and in many cases, aggressive atheists..”
Noa 2353
At least that beats Geoffrey Howe’s single dead sheep.
Which turned out to give his PM an Exocet.
Stefan Molyneux
Regulation of communication then – and NOW
This cri de coeur elides into Paul Joseph Watson on You Tube censorship.
I hope that one of our correspondents did not have more information than he should have.
I hope that one of our correspondents did not have more information than he should have.