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I know it’s not the sort of thing to worry us, but have you ever seen a dafter fashion than ripped jeans.
John Birch (13:31)
Yes – the tattoo craze. Women in particular, particularly those who apparently pile on acres more of pallid porcine flesh to make room for more tatts. The zeitgeist seems to be a rash of extreme ugliness. I fear it may be part of nature’s method of ridding the planet of humanity: inherent self-destruction. The uglier we become, the easier it is to hate and destroy each other. If you wish to see an extreme example of this phenomenon in progress, just visit Tesco at Hunstanton.
… it will take your mind off the nuclear stand-off, aka the geopolitical pissing competition between a handful of megalomaniacs with too many technical toys and a variety of misbegotten ideological, religious or moralistic ambitions. Stop the world! I wannagetorft …
Fat chance, Frank, you stay where you’re, take it on the chin, feel the pain, we deserve it, it’s the comfy life ‘what did it’, Baron reckons.
Don’t the Americans have enough on their plate to take on the Russians, that alone is a sizeable nut to crack, why TF should they stir up the North Koreans sans the Chinese?
They may find taking on both with the jihadists hitting from the flanks will bleed them beyond any recovery point, they already are in debt up and beyond their eyeballs, would it not have been smart to get the economy going again, get those on food stamps back to employment, create more wealth, perform a serious MOT on their military gear, and only then flex the muscle again. That’s was what the poorly educated Slav thought when the Donald had been running for the job. What’s happened since to derail him from it?
John birch. @ 13:31
Your worries are over, John, rejoice, the fashion is about to change, a new man’s in charge in Vogue, expect an even lower waist for man’s trousers allowing for greater ‘mooning’, ripped fronts of women’s tops to reveal some tit flesh (tattooed of course), and no zip trousers, just openings for both sexes and gender fluid mesomorphs to facilitate quick …. (what’s the word?).
Frank, yes of course the tattoos on woman are hideous, it’s beyond my understanding how that can be seen as attractive.
My wife pointed out to me this woman who appeared to have her name tastefully (lol) tattooed on her lower back, just above her arse cheeks.
My wife said why has she got her name there.
I said it’s the modern form of politeness, if your having her from behind and you’ve forgotten her name it avoids embarrassment.
I’m fully aware of this comment being offensive, but it’s a general observation. I go into supermarkets wherever I walk my dog.
Asda has the fatest and heavily tattooed woman.
Tesco next , no Morrison here, sainsburys very few tattoos and slimmer woman.
Waitrose hardly a tattoo to be seen and very few overweight.
Stereotypes, possibly, but it’s the truth.
Top Ten Tattoo hotspots (geographically)
Tender-ring (Colchester? Essex?) is in at No.5.
There is no branch of Waitrose in Blackpool.
Thomas Bata must be looking down (or up) weeping at what became of his new society.
Tendering covers clacton where druggies and unemployables were sent to fill the cheap b and bs no one wanted years ago.
Much the same as most seaside towns.
Clacton is trying to sort itself out but when you have invited scum in their not easy to get rid of.
As sweden will find out.
around 1850:
Britain population is less than 2% of the world’s, her GDP almost half of the world’s, the country supplies half of the world’s output of coal and iron, controls two thirds of world shipping, a third of the world’s trade. London banks have on deposits more money than all the other banks in the world, the anthem ‘God save the Queen’ is sung by a quarter of the world’s population. The pinnacle of British power.
around 1950:
The Republic, some 5% of the world’s population, has a GDP equal to two fifth of the world’s, its people possess more wealth than the other other 95% the world’s unwashed, it has no internal debt, the world owes it double her GDP, she controls almost two thirds of the world’s productive capacity, 40% of electricity production, 60% of oil extraction, 66% of steel manufacture. The pinnacle of American power.
around 2050: ?
For Boris Johnson of the FO : ” Rockall ” . ( 1min.17 )
For Michael Fallon : Minister for making War on Russia.(Tom Lehrer;We’ll all go together)
Wallsters know that I have reservations about Peter Hitchens; it is however difficult to demur from this exposition:
His Sunday column/blog is obviously even more explicit, So I must pop over and read it.
Alex Jones Show Monday 10th April
War news; war propaganda
-including discussion between Jones and Roger Stone about the willingness of a dying Congressman who is “a Reaganite of unimpeachable integrity” to spill the beans to Infowars on John McCain.
Frank P
April 10th, 2017 – 23:27
So many different analyses of the situation have appeared that it’s hard to see the wood for the trees, but I agree that Hitchens’ version sounds quite plausible.
At the same time, perhaps we should consider pointing our fingers not at Assad, but at Saudi Arabia? Was it a Saudi false flag operation – one intended to manipulate Trump?
Back to the usual.
Why the West Loses > New English Review
Yall have to agree that Donald has taken control. He has stuck it to the Ruskies and now Tillerson has managed to tame your thatch haired Foreign Minister. What we need now is a New World Order.
A new Pax Americana where the world pays tribute to God and Freedom.
Only Donald can do this.
Beautiful, beautiful.
Yes but the Wall seems to be dead.
“With Democrats united against new wall funding, it’s unlikely the Republicans have the votes to get it through and prevent a government shutdown,” The Hill report stated.
House Speaker Paul Ryan, in a statement to The Hill, seemed to concede that border wall funding would not be included in the GOP budget, saying the funds would come at a later date.
Frank P, April 10th, 2017 – 23:27
“The news being accepted as truth by BBC World News is so biased these days that I no longer believe what they say about anything any more, after more than 60 years of crediting them with the truth.”
Well, old Pyotr got there eventually!
Here, imo, is part of the BBC’s ME editorial veracity problem:
EC – 09:57
The next step is to believe the opposite of what the BBC says, well, most of the time.
Re: Tattoos
One of Boot’s inner circle attracted the wrath of the special interest groups when he took a look, albeit from an unusual angle topographically speaking …
Connoisseurs of exculpatory statements (*) will find an example of two of the classics contained therein.
[* missing are some defence barristers’ favourites: “My client has no recollection/suffers from blackouts/was on strong antidepressants/had his blog hacked!]
Gotta larf, aintcha.
May the farce be with you!
[or in the case of Brexit: “May, the farce, be with you?]
RobertRetyred – 12:02
See “Vulture’s Law” regarding Daniel Krapski’s musings. [Speccie blogs passim]
Summarised: “If DK makes the proposition X then -X is invariably the case!”
A Confession
Once in a while,
I’m standing here, doing something.
And I think,
“What in the world am I doing here?”
It’s a big surprise.
And apologies to the other Donald
I think what you’ll find,
I think what you’ll find is,
Whatever it is we do substantively,
There will be near-perfect clarity
As to what it is.
And it will be known,
And it will be known to the Congress,
And it will be known to you,
Probably before we decide it,
But it will be known.
Fergus Pickering @ 13:03
How about fitting in ‘rest’ after all that labour, Fergus?
EC @ 12:35
Weird as it may sound, EC, the barbarian seldom agrees with this gentle, considerate and loving man of the cloth, here it’s the rare exception for he must have meant it in the best possible taste.
John birch. @ 06:13
Impossible to disagree with the great Murphy, John, what he has still missed is to say that the Americans cum their ME guard dogs have never fought ISIS, ever, the outfit was used to dislodge Assad from the start, why would they prevent the thugs from doing what they and their friends in the region wanted? The Quataris furnished the funds, the Saudis the gear, the Turks took care of the after-fight service patching the thugs up.
You may recall the barbarian telling you this many times before, no reaction to it, the other fact nobody has focused on is that there have only been two parties to the fight since day one, Assad and his guard dogs, in the one corner, ISIL and their backers in the other, that’s it, the minute differences between the various clans matters little, as the great Donovan says their objective is simple, they’re all united to reach it, probably will unless the political gnomes of the West wake up to it.
John Jefferson Burns @ 07:43
Typical of an American bully, John.
Everyone who thinks Assad did the gaming should have his head examined, everyone who thinks the Donald changed his mind on Syria because he was shown a picture of a toddle in pain has to have his head replaced.
(to be continued, sorry).
In part 1 it should read ‘gassing’ and ‘toddler’, sorry.
Not even the Donald could be that fickle and arbitrary, the U-turn was massive, and within a short space of time after years of getting the reading of the ME right, there must have been a jumbo of a reason, and nothing ever gets closer to a jumbo sized motive to flip so big than something that’s personal, close to oneself, or people nearest and dear to oneself.
The swiftest of U-turns by the Donald may have been the result of a deal, the three investigations (House, Senate, FBI) into his ties with Russia (and those of his son-in-law and associates) will find nothing incriminating, say so in public, he turns the screws on Russia in return, the files will be locked away, open only if he doesn’t stick to his end of the bargain. The missile bombing of the Syrian airbase is but a first step in his conversion to an aggressive Russia basher. We’ll see what Tillerton does in Moscow, but his rhetoric at the G7 gathering didn’t sound hopeful.
The Blonde Inseminator was on the news about half an hour ago saying ‘the Syrian war cannot end with Assad in power bla, bla’, it amazes that not one of the MSM journalists was courageous enough to ask for evidence of the gas atrocity, they all bought the explanation of the false flag as given, cowards.
Sad that, and dangerous, because Putin has a presidential election next year, and it will be the communist cum ‘Liberals’ i.e. the jingoistic Right that will benefit, they’re already hitting at Putin’s meek response to the Trump bombing of the airfield. Putin will be compelled to take a firmer stance, engage in a ME war with the Americans, a war that can spread to Europe, the conduit being, most likely, the millions of ME new arrivals to the countries of Europe.
This is Peter H’s Mail on Sunday piece, the case of the doctor speaks for itself.
And another take on here:
Have you noticed there are no migrants causing trouble in France trying to get to England, no lorry drivers or tourists seem to be having problems.
No escaping from lorries in Kent ,
None trying to walk through the tunnel.
None being caught being smuggled in by small boats.
No boats being abandoned on the beach after they have scarpered.
D notice in position, ?????
John Birch (16:34)
The new normal.
Three explosions have hit a bus carrying the Borussia Dortmund football team to their home Champions League quarter-final match against Monaco.
Spain international Marc Bartra was taken to hospital with an injury to his hand, the club said.
The team tweeted (in German) that the other players were safe and there was no danger in or around the stadium.
The first-leg match was postponed and will now be played on Wednesday at 18:45 local time (16:45 GMT).
Pictures from the scene showed the bus’s windows broken and tyres burst in the blasts.
Police said that “three explosive charges detonated” at Hoechsten outside the city at about 19:00 local time.
“It is not yet possible to say exactly what the explosion was or exactly where something exploded,” a police statement said.
“It is not yet possible to say exactly what the explosion was or exactly where something exploded,” a police statement said.
So not ROP.
Now we have the truth of the gas attacks from Putin himself
“President Mattarella and I discussed it, and I told him that this reminds me strongly of the events in 2003, when the US representatives demonstrated at the UN Security Council session the presumed chemical weapons found in Iraq. The military campaign was subsequently launched in Iraq and it ended with the devastation of the country, the growth of the terrorist threat and the appearance of Islamic State [IS, formerly ISIS] on the world stage,” he added.”
So that’s OK then.
Or just forked tongue?
“Assad committed suicide here,” Michael Kofman, a Russia military expert with the Kennan Institute, told Al-Monitor in an interview April 10. Russia “will never forgive him for this.””
You and your wife sit in a restaurant enjoying a meal, see a muscular bully approaching one table after another, he shouts at the guests, kicks them, beats some to death, then he approaches your table, you see he doesn’t like you, surreptitiously he eyes your wife’s handbag, looks at you, says ‘you spit into your wife’s meal, you’re dead’.
How eager are you to spit into your wife’s meal?
The festering North Korean boil may be en even greater danger than that of Syria, Alex Jones says the Chinese warned the nutter they would attack his nuclear facilities, he in turn threatened to nuke the South, the whole thing is getting out of hand.
If the Donald (alone or with the Chinese) decides to poke the North Korean fanatics how can he ensure that the facilities are destroyed fully? The country’s big, we’ve never had reliable intelligence on it, this threat of a pre-emptive strike scares no end.
How reliable is this piece of news is hard to tell, it comes from a staunchly anti-Putin cum anti-Russian on-line media, but the guy quoted in it lives in Russia, what he says echoes many of the postings on Russian blogs:
(Also notice the cartoon published in the Russian media, many gems in the Republic must love it).
John birch @ 16:34
Will it last, John, if the Syrian conflict flares up again to a point many burghers of the country decide to flee West? According to some news agencies, the American plan is for boots on the ground to dislodge Assad by June.
Sorry, the intention was to say ‘many Dems in the Republic will love it’, blame the predictive software first, the barbarian next.
They want Sean Spicer to step down over incompetent press conference remarks.
How about Boris Johnson stepping down over his intemperate remarks.
He demonstrated the impotence of the U.K. At the G7 in Italy. He should work diplomatically or go.
Ms May, your whole administration is being tainted by this ?man.
Marine Le Pen had a “Ken Livingstone” moment the other day, but has she “pissed on her chips”, I wonder? Not long to wait to find out.
Mr Boot calls it right!
Marshal Roberts – 06:52
The most effective way to prevent foreign interference in UK elections?
1. Restrict voter registration to UK citizens, not just anybody who resident here.
2. Ban postal voting, except for members of the armed services and civil servants posted overseas.
Baron, April 11th, 2017 – 14:37
“The Blonde Inseminator”
🙂 Excellent! Humorously apt, too!
Was it a Baron original?
Baron, April 12th, 2017 – 00:07
Eh? How does the spitting analogy work? Is it a Czech thing? Foreplay?
Baron, April 11th, 2017 – 13:38
“Cupid Stunt” eh? I’ll raise you a “Reg Prescott” …
Anybody remember Barry Bucknall? He made it look all so easy!
“Boris Johnson was left embarrassed last night after his demands for fresh sanctions against Russia over its backing for President Assad of Syria were publicly rebuffed by European allies”, says one of the headlines in the Times today.
For a long time, we’ve been told beneath the facade of Boris’s buffoonery there resides a brainy, imaginative, intellectually-without-an-equal, fully matured ingenious giant of a man. If he’s there he must have been hibernating when Boris made the proposal, which is unfortunate because it shows the people running the Brexit negotiations, and thereafter in charge of the country negotiating new trade deals are at best second-rate.
A new set of US-EU sanctions will come, but it will not be Britain that decides, Boris should either learn or be told everything Britain herself may suggest, take initiative in, or do will be ridiculed, shouted down, opposed, the petulance of the Brussels apparatchiks has no limits, it’s akin in size to the sum of every woman ever scorned.
EC @ 09:38
Plenty od repeats of old greats, EC, also of no so greats, never Kenny, the King of them all, why is this?
EC @ 09:30
The spitting was intended to be the equivalent of doing harm to someone one is supposed to be a part of, close to, of the same vintage, clumsy, yes, but since the amount of thinking going into such expeditions by the poorly educate Slav is minimal, you should be content with what you get, just look how many of us are left bothering to post anything, spitting included to not, the contributors to Peter’s endeavour to educate the world are falling off as the petals of cherry trees, a proper comparison (no spitting again, you may have noticed), the space under Baron’s cherry tree is covered with them, it looks almost like a proper Christmas, white everywhere.
It’s not just theCzech thing, more European although in decline, Baron’s pleased to say, in the years past it was common amongst rural folk more than in towns (more dust around), at the turn of the century in Bohemia, one could be fined spitting near any public building or space.
In the 70s, the barbarian was shocked sitting in a drinking den somewhere between the Great Canyon and Phoenix (Arizona, his hired Mustang was being repaired) with spittoons everywhere, some must be collectors items by now, in the new age of PC enlightenment inhibitions to spitting are in, to bonking out.
‘Yup, it’s his’ is an answer to your 09:12, Baron’s guess i Boris’s better at it than at running the remnants of what once was one of the greatest offices of State.
Baron – 10:47
The Times is part of the MSM. How do they know Boris was embarrassed? Who says the Continentals are our allies?
They look like p1ssed 0ff trough feeders, knowing they will be loosing £10b/yr from us and are being expected to spend 2% of GDP on security, while still letting the enemy in, though they they have stopped giving them teddy bears. They are still under the threat of having Scotland join them, with Northern Island not far behind. 🙂
The Climate Change fiasco is collapsing, with the US not supporting the Paris ‘love-in’, and even if Le Pen does not win the French presidency, her party will become more influential as the ‘problems’ increase. The Swedish PM has said that they won’t be having another mass immigration: they won’t need another! :). I think the ‘runaway truck’s in Stockholm might have been the last straw. One of the victims was a psychiatrist who was helping migrants with rejected applications. Talk about a bomb blowing upon your face!
Anyway, the only important political force in Britain at the moment is TM, which isn’t the best of all worlds, but it is what we have and therefore we cannot rule out disappointment 🙂
She is wearing down the mad, the moaners, the arrogant, and those that are all three 🙂 Oh, and the traitors!
I don’t think Boris is any of those. As TM could say, Boris is Boris, and because we all know that he might be valuable in times of difficulty. That needs to be balanced with his ability to create those times, but he is a smart lad who knows that – even if it is only after the event.
These do cheer me up 🙂 especially when it isn’t sunny outside.
Don’t miss the latest of Yer ol’ Woodpile Report: arguably the best periodical round-up of the news in the blogosphere, presented by Remus laced with his own wit and whimsy. The Tuesday Treasure Trove:
CAMP FOSTER, Okinawa — A U.S. aircraft that specializes in detecting radioactive debris after the detonation of a nuclear device has arrived on Okinawa amid rising tensions on the Korean peninsula.
An Air Force WC-135 Constant Phoenix — commonly referred to as a nuke-sniffer — arrived at Kadena Air Base last Friday evening.
h/t Drudge Report for the above.
Good read, in fact, an excellent read:
Baron – 15:02
Humour is the most effective way to make a point. The grimmer the subject matter the more effective its use can be. Rod is a master, a black belt 10th dan.
The comments are worth a read as well:
New European’s Sneering At Skegness Plan To “Stir Up Controversy”
Here comes, by Friday, the North Korean nutter may be toast, or so the jingoistic mafia in Washington hopes.
It may seem an a task that’s easily accomplished what with both the Chinese and the Americans joining forces (allegedly), but the poorly educated Slav has more than a molehill of worries, the North Koreans have nukes, they have short distance delivery systems, short but long enough to reach the South, apparently people in Seul and around which sits almost on the border, just some 35 miles from it, it wouldn’t need the whole of the South to get hit for a major catastrophe to occur for the world to deal with.
One may be totally against the regime in the North, the barbarian is, but unless one can ensure the nuclear capabilities of the nutter get neutered, and neutered fully, we may all have to live with the uncertainty of an unexpected and lethal fall out.
RobertRetyred @ 17:42
Not that surprising, Robert, the Brussels apparatchiks will use every trick in the bag to confuse, mis-direct, or anger us, that’s in the nature of the animal, trickery cum mendacity.
What makes Baron anxious is whether those in charge of the negotiations from our side will do their best, most of them were remoaners, could one have confidence they will not pull a fast (or even a slow) one, muddle up the process, hide things from us in order to secure an outcome that will not be as beneficial as it would have been if only convinced Brexiters were involved, or one that will turn people against leaving, perhaps even demanding another count.
The Economist is reported in this following 1st Hour Wednesday broadcast to have dipped into the bowl of used clichés, usually reserved by anti-Russian “polemicists” to smear those not entirely persuaded of the benefit of rushing headlong into war with Russia without a casus belli, to call Alex Jones and Michael Cernovich, those two “self-publicists”, as “useful idiots” but this time OF ASSAD and so leaving a “trail from Damascus”.
The field of nominees for the William Joyce CFR Prize is a crowded one this year, but Ms. Beddoes could be a short brown nose in front.
It’s the way of talking (e.g. this piece) that makes the barbarian wonder if the Donald may be at the point of a nervous breakdown. The Breitbart reporting may not be exactly correct, of course, but judging by the speeches he’s given inthe past, it seems to fit the pattern.
The barbarian must make a confession, he was quietly pleased with the first election of the Hon Muslim for essentially one reason only, that he’ll correct the race tensions in the Republic, pull the country together, make it an economic superpower again.
With the Donald, it was something similar, America’s greatness can only come from within its economic power, The Donald’s ”I’ll be President of America, not of the world’ summed up a set of policies (job creation moves, cut in public sector waste, deficit correction and so on) designed to get the economic machine of the good old US of A ticking again.
His latest talking, the deeds, the changes in personnel are creating doubts he knows what he’s doing, many of those backing him must be bemused the changes.
London of today, perhaps not typical, but …:
Baron – 19:47
It is a bit unsettling, but since we don’t have the right people in power, we get the wrong people, who are in power, to do the right thing.
Very nerve wracking, but it has been working up to now. I am surprised how often the 48/52 figures are still banded about. Isn’t over 66% wanting to get on with Brexit?
And the EU are showing just how unfriendly they really are, when they don’t have our £10bn/yr to passify them.
My parents had to put up with unfriendly Germans. Come to think of it, so did my grandparent’s!
Baron – 09:01
For me, Obama was always Blair mk ll and I liked this: I disliked Obama, not because he was (half) black, but because he was a white liberal.
Remember we are only seeing Trump through the eyes of the anti-Trump, liberal, MSM, but I do wonder what is going on behind the scenes. I think that his ability to deliver and then call to account can create ‘good headlines’, but it should leave him with more space to preside, which is what presidents should do.
He is also dismantling unconstitutional federal bureaucracy, such as bathroom rules and school controls, so the fallout ends up at state level: a win-win for Trump.
The great Fred is talking about the Western political elite’s embracing Susan Sontag’s ‘the white race is the cancer of human history’ with all its mutations like the PC, multy culty and what have you, one of the key reasons the West has been losing to the Allah worshippers (the other being our insatiable appetite for oil that furnished the same creed the funds for the spread of it).
You should like the narrative.
RobertRetyred @ 10:51
Let’s hope your take on him comes top, Robert.
Why on earth has he to accomplish everything he said he would do in the first few days of the presidency? Would it not have been more prudent to keep quiet, replace the progressive members of the key ministries, other institutions of importance, instruct the new leaders to purge the middle ranks, and only then push forward with the agenda focusing mostly on getting people off food stamps, creating wealth again.
You may think the barbarian’s obsession with wealth creation to border on the ‘overdoing it’, but wealth i.e. essentially money does matter, it determines everything else, when the Republic’s GDP stood at two fifth of the world’s, the US military power had military gear nobody, not even the Soviets could match, now it shows the greatness by firing 59 Tomahawks, an excellent missile but one designed at the start of the 80s, travelling at subsonic speed, not that accurate.
Whatever may happen on Syria (up to the possibility of a limited war between the two powers), it will not be the end of the challenge to the Republic, the Mandarin speakers will be at the starting line for the real thing. What the Donald has done so far doesn’t seem to indicate he gets it.
It seems only Robert and the poorly educated Slav are awake, will you please also wake up (if you’re still breathing?).
Baron – 12:30
Why? So little time left, and it’s what business men do! 🙂
The wealth creation is important, but a reduction in wealth destruction is even more important. It is everywhere!
The EPA, the ease with which money is handed out to aliens while hard working people are penalised for being hard working, the unawareness that tomorrow’s security is not a given, that the next generation have to strive just to be as good as their parents, while the rest of the world is fast tracking in earnest.
The nation’s spirit needs to change.
Just look at what Brexit has done: it has awakened the people. Yes, we don’t have a certain future, but we do have a future, as long as we strive for it.
Baron – 12:38
Ann is painting a scenario, not what has happened, hopefully 🙂
My Dad was always on commission, never a salary, so I think I have more tolerance to uncertainty than many, but it doesn’t mean that I can predict the future.
RobertRetyred @ 13:27
OK, Robert, let’s wait.
Baron – 16:24
Look on the bright side, we are well away from the action, for the moment 🙂
Here’s a theory of Girard that explains the deployment of the 59 Tomahawks on the Syrian airbase.
“Girard believes that early in human evolution, we learned to control internal conflict by projecting our violence outside the community onto a scapegoat. It was so effective that we have continued to use scapegoating to control violence ever since. The successful use of a scapegoat depends on the community’s belief that they have found the cause and cure of their troubles in this “enemy”. Once the enemy is destroyed or expelled, a community does experience a sense of relief and calm is restored”.
Any buyers of it?
You can read more here:
If memory serves Malfeur (what has happened to him, no postings for days) has linked to him, the barbarian must have missed the links. Here is the man again, Robert Steele, talking for about half an hour.
As if the whole US scene were not complicated enough, mind boggling stuff:
The US Vets reporting on the gassing atrocity:
Here’s a cheerful little song:
Then there’s this:
If the rumoured conflict arrives in that distant land of kimchi, Frank, we may all be feeding on lichen when it’s over.
The bomb must a warning to the Russians (hence it’s as close to them as possible), it says ‘look what we have developed, never used before, beware, there’s always a second time for everything’.
The question is did they run the deployment by the ‘uman rites’ crowd, if not, it may be in a breach of it, he, he, he.
I didn’t hear THE bomb, so it wasn’t that big 🙂
RobertRetyred – 19:32
Mind you, I was wearing my headphones.
The Mark Steyn Show with Jordan Peterson and Free Speech
From Takimag, worth reading, it’s short, the postings are as good, who knows how it’s going to pan out.
And you Robert, keep the headphones on, what if there’s another one closer to you.
Where’s Malfleur, he hasn’t left for combat duties in the ME, has he?
And the Colonel? Why has he given up? (if he did).
Frank P – 18:26
Impressive! We could do with a few MOABs dropped on problem areas around the UK!
Baron – 20:38
‘keep the headphones on’ 🙂
Amazing: Taki is even more optimistic than I!
Thankfully, it does take the pressure off me 🙂
RobertRetyred 2032
I want to know just who is directing American War policy.
Who decided on the mother of all bombs?
Why Afghanistan?
And who is responsible for dropping bombs on the 12 ‘friendly’ rebels in Syria?
Who is the message for?
Putin? IS? North Korea?
Or is it the US military out of control?
Are we safe in Woking?
“Are we safe in Woking?”
Probably not on a Friday or Saturday night.
Lumbago is probably the biggest threat facing us Easter / Bank Holiday gardeners. Don’t overdo it and keep the ibuprofen and paracetamol on standby.
Happy Easter.
Frostbite is the biggest risk. Heavy duty gloves rather than Panadol.
Or better catch up on a box set.
Daily Star predicting war.
True – as with all Daily Star reports.
“Why Afghanistan?”
We must hope that MOAB makes no significant dent in the recovery in the figures for US government opium and heroin exports from Afghanistan since the start of the “reconstruction”.
Vimy Ridge and the aftermath? Wee-eell … one way of looking at it:
Colonel Mustard? Baron?
Forgive me if I’ve missed it, but I’ve never seen Pointman flagged up on the Wall before: always worth a read, this one especially so (IMHO). I think he may nail it, at least I hope so.
Does anyone else think that after the 50,000th repitition in a week of the already worn-thin cliche “There’s a New Sherriff In Town” is becoming just a tad irritating.
“I think he [pointman] may nail it, at least I hope so.”
An unfortunate figure of speech today, old bean.
Oh well. Hillary? F me. Somebody needs to MAGA
Day by day
The world comes closer to war,
Putin, Trump, Kim Jong-un,
are you all attempting to assert,
Your male dominance,
To prove that,
You can’t be pushed around,
yet what does it matter,
nobody wins from war,
You are the Fathers,
of your country,
your people are your children,
Go to war and they die,
Go to war and you have
no power,
you have no empire,
you have only suffering,
Perhaps you can hide,
down in your bunkers,
as the nuclear dust cloud,
Destroys all life,
yet radiation takes,
five hundred years to dissipate,
do you really want to spend,
Your life trapped in a hole,
Muslims think,
they have the right answer,
christians think,
they have the right answer,
No dealt you all think,
you have the right answer,
yet I believe,
That we should forgive the past,
and let everybody,
live their lives,
with their beliefs,
When we die, we’ll learn the truth,
Live and let live,
in life, you do not always,
have to be right,
it takes a greater man,
to walk away from the fight,
knowing, he was the one in the right
It does not matter who you are
Muslim, American, Syrian or Jihadi
nobody will win, from another world war,
look around, at your people already dying,
Perhaps you believe,
you’re fighting a battle for God,
Yet what an insult, to God,
A God that created life, doesn’t need help.
Well, would that it were so. But as in the old adage about good men doing nothing, walk away from a fight with, er, Big Al’s True Believers and they’ll just come after you and kill you anyway …
Good old prof backing Baron’s guess it was a container with a timed detonator attached to it. The man ‘should be stuffed’, sadly is anyone listening to him?
Baron – 11:32
Good spot. Prof. Postol may not be long of this world!
RIP Dr. David Kelly
It’s worth studying Postol’s pedigree:
Where did you “spot” his latest report, Baron? RT?
Given the motivations of a variety of players in questioning the veracity of reports various about skirmishes in the perennial multifaceted (and undeclared) war: not to mention the internecine competition within the military industrial complex, and given that bellicose exaggerated claims are common to all governments in the propaganda of adversarial dick-waving, it is unwise to believe any reports about anything in the current febrile climate, except as an act of religious faith, or partisan political loyalty. And considering the bullshit emanating from “scientists” with impressive combinations of academic baubles dangled after their names who are involved in the Global Climate Scam, who are prepared to facilitate their research grants with the lubrication of lies aka “research findings”, I wouldn’t hang a mangy cat on the basis of the ” evidence” of any of their ilk either.
Nor, In this case, I wouldn’t completely discount it. But how the fuck do we (or Don Trumpo, come to that) know what is coming down in this moment in history? The eternal question: “Who is bullshitting who?” Remains, as ever, unanswered, except by the credulous, or those directly involved.
Many instances of “503 Service Unavailable”
Frank P – 14:14
Difficult to find an honest scientist these days. Money corrupts everything especially, as you say, a large number of grant troughing self-styled “climatologists” masquerading as scientists.
Never heard of this Postol chap before. Has the title of “Emeritus” which I think means that he’s now retired, at least from his academic teaching and supervisory duties. This is a great advantage as I imagine he has greater freedom to speak as he finds, because he can no longer be sacked!
It took Richard Feynman to cut through all the politics, & stonewalling surrounding the ‘Challenger’ space shuttle disaster. He established the true cause. He wasn’t universally popular either but he was honest! I’m certain that many of us here, myself included, can relate to that!
Setting Postol to one side for a moment, you’ll have Baron “Going Postal” if you mention RT too often…
Postscript to Postol on Syria:
Who are the saints and who are the sinners? “Who’s to Bless and Who’s to Blame?” We may as well ask Professor Bernard F…
Whether the weather has changed
or whether the weather is just the same
whether you are a weather skeptic
or a weather septic, or doomsday climatologist –
horribly or incorrigibly either way –
the weather has its field day, and ocean day
either way, trumping all our noses
whatever our beliefs
each day
EC – 16:26
There are plenty of honest Scientists. They just aren’t to be found in prominent positions in the public sector, which is where those who are in the public eye usually originate, especially those appearing on the BBC.
Honesty in the Climate arena, which would include national energy policy, anything agricultural, environmental or industrial, and minority rights would extinguish any chance of being viewed in a positive light, so most that humiliation. 🙂
.. so most avoid that humiliation. 🙂
(I was avoiding the use of avoid! 🙂 )
RobertRetyred – 10:09
On this dark, cold, wet Easter Sunday, while we are waiting for Ronnie to reappear onstage at the Crucible, here’s some Redneck science…
Actually, by Eric’s own rules, this only qualifies as “foolin’ around,” because, as he sometimes says, “it ain’t foolin’ around if you’re writing the results down.”
EC 12:16
I’d be more impressed if, loaded with grape, it had been deployed at a spontaneous ‘Hope not Hate’ demonstration to ensure that the public order so rare on such occasions, was maintained.
Fat Kim fucks up:
As for the claim of a cyber-glitch interception by the Septics. Let’s hope it’s true. 🙂
Little clones little clones
Hive minds not there own
Follow blindly not free
All oppressed none can see
Pity them don’t judge their fear
If they question they disappear
Trump is lurching like a loose cannon
Denying evidence and logic
he separates language from meaning
When Bait and Switch is his chief project
Those xenophobic fires he’s fannin’
Spatters his word salad recklessly
Like a loose cannon
This conman sold some a bill of goods
With gibberish worse than Tinnitus
Propaganda by steve bannon
An alternate universe naked
Like a loose cannon
Fergus Pickering.
You are fast becoming the Banksy of the Blogosphere – defacing the Wall with your ‘artistry’. Given the quality of your gratuitous input, no doubt you are open to measured evaluation and critical review? To that end I hereby name you Wanksy. 😉
Notes for a White Kid in University:An Introduction to the Blindingly Obvious | Fred On Everything
The tinpot dictator got his tinpot gilded, there will be some finger waving by the Brussels apparatchiks, then things will return to normal.
The ‘Mother of all bombs’ cost over $140mn to develop, is billed to the taxpayer at $17mn per pop, the Afghanistan show killed 35, which makes it roughly half a million bucks per head, but then there also was the invaluable destruction of some cave architecture, possibly a future heritage site.
If only the Americans were to leave it at that, no more awe making, in particular in a country that’s inhabited by nutters possible as bad as the ROP jihadists but equipped with more than AK-47s.
How could he forget?
The Russians, not to be left behind in the race of mass killing, have developed the Daddy of all bombs, a thermobaric monster that’s even more destructive than the American toy, mercifully, they blew the thing over their own land, hopefully leave it at that.
EC @ 12:16
A hint to the Koreans (and possible to us as well), EC, they should hide under water, the deeper the better, they’ll be safe there.
John birch.@ 06:29
Indeed bleeding obvious taking a prism that focuses on the time span (say) since the birth of Christ, John, take a look further back, you’ll see the Egyptians, the Incas, the Chinese, the others doing the running, not as impressively, true, but it was a start.
So who are the best students of today at US top grade universities? Fred did a piece on it recently, here it is.
Fergus Pickering @ 18:37
Not amongst the best, Fergus, next time, try and put in a rhyme here and there, it always boosts the level of appreciation of the piece for it shows the poet thought about at least what to rhyme with what, never give up, the time of accolades will come, be proud of the new moniker, just look who awarded it.
EC @ 16:26
So what do we have?
In one corner, the filter of cui bono, the Postal’s verdict on the evidence presented by the Americans themselves, the refusal of the ‘moderate’ rebels in the Idlib province for the UN inspectors to come examine the site, the dead, the injured (even though the fighters go regularly to Turkey from the province, the Turks to the ‘moderates’ in the province).
In the other corner the report by the US intelligence, as unbiased and truthful and objective as they’ve ever been.
No brainer this one, EC.
Btw, it wouldn’t bother the barbarian at all if the guru mentioned RT in each and every sentence, but for the record, the link to Postal came from a posting in the Spectator.
Aren’t you already regretting the poorly educated Slav didn’t stay away longer, much much longer? Sorry for the errors.
Baron – 08:32
“The ‘Mother of all bombs’ cost over $140mn to develop, is billed to the taxpayer at $17mn per pop”
By contrast here’s what we got for £250,000 [£10m in today’s money]
Brooklands Museum is well worth a visit
Noa, April 16th, 2017 – 12:45
If you browse Eric’s YouTube channel, Iraqveteran8888, you find at least a couple of demos of what grapeshot fired from his 37mm Parrot rifle can do. Sobering! With your keen interest in matters and the actors of American Civil War you’d no doubt find them of interest. The carnage produced from a volley of grape must have been horrendous!
Good ole Abe, eh.
RIP Barry Elliot.
0914. Was that rhetorical?
From a Guido F post:
In Putin’s Moscow, a Pliant Press That Trump So Craves
“MOSCOW — I wanted to better understand President Trump’s America, a place where truth is being ripped from its moorings as he brands those tasked with lashing it back into place — journalists — as dishonest enemies of the people.
So I went to Russia.
It was like a visit to the land of Alternative Truth Yet to Come. But it also gave me a glimpse into how our new national look is playing in the global information war, where competing narratives are clashing along a sliding scale of fact and fiction.
I had picked a ghoulishly perfect week to swing through President Vladimir V. Putin’s Moscow, where spring was struggling to break out over the low-slung, slate-gray cityscape.
Mr. Trump had just ordered a Tomahawk strike against Syria’s Shayrat air base, from which, the United States said, President Bashar al-Assad of Syria had launched the chemical weapons attack that killed more than 80 and sickened hundreds.
As soon as I turned on a television here I wondered if I had arrived through an alt-right wormhole.
Back in the States, the prevailing notion in the news was that Mr. Assad had indeed been responsible for the chemical strike. There was some “reportage” from sources like the conspiracy theorist and radio host Alex Jones — best known for suggesting that the Sandy Hook school massacre was staged — that the chemical attack was a “false flag” operation by terrorist rebel groups to goad the United States into attacking Mr. Assad. But that was a view from the fringe.
Here in Russia, it was the dominant theme throughout the overwhelmingly state-controlled mainstream media.
On the popular Russian television program “Vesti Nedeli,” the host, Dmitry Kiselyov, questioned how Syria could have been responsible for the attack. After all, he said, the Assad government had destroyed all of its chemical weapons. It was the terrorists who possessed them, said Mr. Kiselyov, who also heads Russia’s main state-run international media arm.
One of Mr. Kiselyov’s correspondents on the scene mocked “Western propagandists” for believing the Trump line, saying munitions at the air base had “as much to do with chemical weapons as the test tube in the hands of Colin Powell had to do with weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.”
That teed up Mr. Putin to suggest in nationally televised comments a couple of days later that perhaps the attack was an intentional “provocation” by the rebels to goad the United States into attacking Mr. Assad. RT, the Russian-financed English-language news service, initially translated Mr. Putin as calling it a “false flag.” The full Alex Jones was complete.
When Trump administration officials tried to counter Russia’s “false narratives” by releasing to reporters a declassified report detailing Syria’s chemical weapons stockpiles — and suggesting to The Associated Press without proof that Russia knew of Mr. Assad’s plans to use chemical weapons in advance — the Russians had a ready answer borrowed from Mr. Trump himself.
As the pro-Kremlin newspaper Izvestia put it, “Apparently it was for good reason Donald Trump called unverified information in the mass media one of the main problems in the U.S.”
It was the best evidence I’ve seen of the folly of Mr. Trump’s anti-press approach. You can’t spend more than a year attacking the credibility of the “dishonest media” and then expect to use its journalism as support for your position during an international crisis — at least not with any success.
While Mr. Trump and his supporters may think that undermining the news media serves their larger interests, in this great information war it serves Mr. Putin’s interests more. It means playing on his turf, where he excels.
Integral to Mr. Putin’s governing style has been a pliant press that makes his government the main arbiter of truth.
While talking to the beaten but unbowed members of the real journalism community here, I heard eerie hints of Trumpian proclamations in their war stories.
Take Mr. Trump’s implicit threat to the owner of The Washington Post, Jeff Bezos, during the election campaign. In case you’ve forgotten, while calling The Post’s coverage of him “horrible and false,” Mr. Trump warned that if he won the presidency Mr. Bezos’s other business, Amazon, would have “such problems.” (The Post was undaunted, and the issue hasn’t come up again.)
The government here doesn’t make threats like that. Things just happen. That was the case last year at the independent media company RBC after its flagship newspaper reported on sensitive financial arrangements of members of Mr. Putin’s family and his associates. The Russian authorities raided the offices of its oligarch owner, Mikhail Prokhorov. Within a few weeks its top three editors had left.
The Kremlin denied involvement. But it must have liked the new editor’s message to the RBC staff: Journalism is like driving, and “if you drive over the solid double line they take away your license.”
Mr. Porokhov is considering selling RBC to another oligarch who is closer to the government, the Russian business journal Vedomosti reported on Tuesday.
TV Rain’s studios in Moscow. It regularly covered anti-Putin protests and aired voices excluded from the rest of television. Credit James Hill for The New York Times
That same day, I met with one of the former RBC editors, Roman Badanin. We chatted at his new place of employment, TV Rain, in the Flacon warehouse complex here, populated by young people with beards, tattoos, piercings and colored hair. (Brooklyn hipster imperialism knows no bounds.)
TV Rain has its own hard-luck tale. It was Russia’s only independent television station. Carried mainly on cable, it regularly covered anti-Putin protests and aired voices excluded from the rest of television.
But after it ran an online poll asking whether Russia should have abandoned Leningrad to the Nazis to save lives — deeply offending Russian national pride, and receiving a public rebuke from Mr. Putin’s top spokesman — its landlord evicted it and its cable carriers dropped it.
It now lives primarily as a subscription service on the internet, which remains fairly free given Mr. Putin’s primary focus on television as the most powerful medium in the country. (Mr. Badanin and others worry that’s going to change, too.)
When I asked Mr. Badanin what would be different if Russia had full press freedoms, he looked at me wearily and said: “Everything. Sorry for that common answer, but everything.”
Despite steep challenges, people like Mr. Badanin are still battling on. Their journalistic spirit couldn’t be killed, even after some of their friends and colleagues had been.
One newspaper here, Novaya Gazeta, has lost five reporters to violence or suspicious circumstances since the turn of the century. Toward the end of the week, I went to its spartan offices in central Moscow to visit its longtime editor, Dmitri Muratov, who has fiercely guarded the paper’s independence through all of the killings and the crackdowns.
With the gallows humor of a seasoned journalist, Mr. Muratov was in a jovial mood and told me that he was getting a great kick out of state media’s hard turn against Mr. Trump.
Initially, Mr. Muratov said of the president, “he was treated as warmly as McDonald’s; he entered every home like he was our national Santa Claus.” Mr. Muratov had no doubt the sentiment toward Mr. Trump would reverse again, perhaps soon. (To borrow from “1984”: “Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia.”)
Novaya Gazeta had the toughest coverage on the chemical weapons attack that I saw here, challenging the government narrative with reporting from the ground indicating the chemical weapons were dropped from the air. (The anti-Assad forces do not have airplanes.)
There’s a lot of speculation in Russian media circles about why the Kremlin allows Novaya Gazeta to continue.
Mr. Muratov says he believes it’s because the newspaper is not owned by a single businessman subject to pressure. The newspaper’s staff owns a majority of the shares, and the rest of them are owned by the former Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev and the Russian businessman Alexander Lebedev. (Mr. Lebedev told The Guardian last year that he was no longer financing newsroom operations because of “the strain.”)
That, and a loyal subscriber base of more than 240,000, help insulate it from outside pressure, if not the violence.
The very day of my visit, Mr. Muratov received a threat against his entire staff from religious leaders in Chechnya, angry over articles about anti-gay violence in the region.
The Novaya Gazeta offices are scattered with reminders to take such threats seriously, like the case that holds the dusty desktop computer of Anna Politkovskaya. She was shot dead in her apartment building in 2006 after exposing human rights abuses in Chechnya and writing unflinchingly about Mr. Putin.
I wondered aloud whether it scared any of Mr. Muratov’s reporters away from certain stories. He turned serious, looked straight at me and said, “I really wish it could.”
Mr. Muratov follows the American news media closely. I asked him what he thought about the American press corps’ quandary when it comes to covering a president, like Mr. Trump, who trades in falsehoods and demonizes journalists.
He seemed put off by the question; the answer, to him, was so obvious.
“Information from the Kremlin or from the White House, it’s not for us verified information,” he said. “We don’t place our trust just on their word.”
It’s a lesson American reporters should have learned long before Mr. Trump came along, especially after Iraq.
Journalists in Russia like Mr. Muratov haven’t lost sight of that lesson because they can’t afford to.”
EC @ 09:38
Sensible people, the British, in their common sense past, EC.
RobertRetyred @ 11:54
The Eurovision entry by the ROP, Robert? he, he, he.
Much has been written about the intolerance of our student body, the metropolitan elite are throwing up their hands in despair, I don’t see why as they are largely responsible for the intolerance of the self-indulgent, self satisfied heirs to what is left of our civilisation, after all, we have been here before.
In the sixties, China was convulsed by the Cultural Revolution. Students were let loose on opponents of Mao, there was chaos and violence, all being carefully orchestrated. What we are seeing in the Western groves of academe is no different to what occurred in China, and unlike China I do not think that what is happening is a spontaneous eruption of righteous outrage, somebody must be holding the conductors baton and I do not think that individual is Vlad the bad.
stephen maybery – 18:25
Look no further than the unspeakable George Soros!
“The Hungarian government, led by Orbán’s Fidesz party, is also coming under attack from the European Union, the U.S. State Department, and nongovernmental organisations for its commitment to implementing legislation on transparency for foreign NGOs and universities operating in the country – issues the prime minister referred to as “secondary battlefields”:
RobertRetyred – 11:54
RobertRetyred – 11:54
I copied the URL from the clip following the one I expected, so this is the one I was targeting:
There is an assortment on the right, in the usual place.
Not a piece of news that cheers one up, but it’s Tucker, one of barbarian’s regulars to watch, you move the cursor to about the 27th minute, there begins a slot on excessive prescribing of pain killing drugs, a chunk of an issue we debated some time ago, (the story of the MS-13 gang is also worth watching, it proceeds the one on drugs, thanks God the thugs haven’t made it over the pond).
RobertRetyred @ 21:30
Good one, Robert, but the guy at the piano needs a shave, no?
stephen maybery @ 18:25
It may not be actually Vlad, stephen, but if the security services of our special friends say it is he you better believe it, because they know, but cannot reveal the source of their knowledge, it’s top secret, he, he, he.
EC @ 19:44
The guy Orbán is playing with fire, EC, a dangerous game for someone who wants to have a successful career in politics today.
I do not think it is Vlad my old son. As for our special friends, history has shown they are not our friends and I would not believe a thing the buggers say any more than I would believe anything emanating from the mouth of Allister Campbell.
“Turkey referendum: Trump congratulates Erdogan”
The world has truly turned upside down.
“Trump commiserates with Kim Jong Un on the almost success of his recent missile launch”
“Russian State television has claimed US President Donald Trump is more dangerous than North Korea’s supreme commander, Kim Jong-un.”
Now just what is fake news?
PETER OBORNE: “How I long to see Blair in the dock being called to account for Iraq”
“Some of the families of those British troops are seeking a civil action against Blair and other Whitehall officials for ‘misfeasance in public office’.”
Mm, on that basis over half the HoC should be locked up!
“Just over ten years ago, the Metropolitan Police presented a powerful dossier to the Crown Prosecution Service that they felt proved peerages were up for sale to Labour Party donors. That investigation, to the bafflement and fury of the police, was to go no further once it reached the CPS”
Stymied by Starmer?
Generally, but not always…
“unnamed sources” = fake people = fake news
Mrs May takes a flyer. General Election June 8th.
Frank P – 11:12
Just seen Fraser Nelson holding forth on BBC. God, he’s a tosser!
Mrs May’s appearance outside No.10 her general demeanour, facial expression and body language gave the impression of somebody who’s beaten before they start.
She was damned if she called the election, and damned if she didn’t.
What a mess!
Throwing the whole caboodle into the air and letting the prevailing wind of public opinion blow it in the desired direction strikes me as being a somewhat iffy proposition. At this moment hoi polloi largely doesn’t know whether it is punched, bored or countersunk. Six weeks of sustained hot air from the direction of Westminster could start a whole new raft of speculation about global warming. And the local elections in May will probably add confusion to chaos. All part of the global zeitgeist: entropy?
Does this mean that she will have to de-invite The Donald pro-tem?
Anybody else think that Mrs May is taking the exit off the A40 marked Witney?
[… as a short cut to the Chiltern Hundreds]
Well, whilst not much, if any, younger than some of you lot, and no less cynical, I’m going for an optimistic note:
Go Treeza! Fortune sometimes favours the brave.
She’s got the job, she needs to get on with it, and she’ll do it better with an election victory behind her.
At least an election will probably do for Jezza.
And if she can win well, perhaps in time we may get a modern-day version of that immortal Sun headline: Up Yours Delors!
We can but hope.
OT, but speaking of the Sun, I see the sainted Kelvin has done it again 🙂 🙂 🙂
Paul Joseph Watson talks to Lionel about North Korea, et al.
Paul Joseph Watson talks to Mike Cernovich about Google, et al.
Eddie Mair thinks we need strong Government.
Teresa May like Recep Erdogan will ensure this.
Dellers trumps…
Cousin Michael 1424
Marshal 17:37
Yeah, weird, innit 🙂
I’ve actually been around for a few years, mildly embarrassed to say as mainly a serial lurker, with occasional contributions.
Malfleur, I’ve meant to say before that I recently succumbed to your plugging of Alex Jones, and so thank you; he can be a bit hard to take (!) but IW does become essential outchecking. Not the whole show, life being too short; I just flick through the shorter extracts. One does have stuff to do. Anyway, ta.(my elder son rates him, my younger son gives me the thousand-yard stare. I live in hope.
Malfleur, April 18th, 2017 – 17:13
Paul Joseph Watson talks to Lionel about North Korea, et al.
I listened to Lionel via the link that you furnished above. All the that points he made on the matters that he was asked to comment upon were very valid. (aposite?) It’s great the way that Paul can guide an animated guest thru the interview topics without interrupting too much.
“Czech Republic: We’d Rather Risk EU Penalties Than be Forced to Take Migrants”
I thought you’d find the top comment, underneath the article, by “pes nevim” – an English guy – of interest.
EC @ 19:20
Of interest, yes, EC, but the guy is overdoing it abit, the Czechs talk, but will they do the walk when the Brussels tells them not to, orders them to take the newcomers.
The small tribe of the Czechs, (or rather he western Bohemians, the other chunk, the Moravians are made somewhat of a sterner stuff) is known for giving up under pressure, they did before WW2 with a military force not that inferior to the Wehrmacht, certainly not during the general mobilisation in 1937.
We shall see what will happen, Mutti, who said she would not go to Moscow unless Vlad settled the Ukrainian boil, now says she will go in early May, immigration to Europe is supposed to be the top of the agenda. What could she have in mind that involves immigration and the Kremlin?
One can see why she called the count, the forces at Westminster were largely opposed to our leaving the clutches of Brussels, they must be doing everything to thwart the talks, clandestinely, of course, she must be hoping the unwashed will go for candidates who favour Brexit, Tory candidates preferably, there will be some backstage pressure on the selection committees to weed out the ‘undesirables’.
It’s harder to explain the cumryd’s welcoming the move, the man seems determined to commit public suicide, he should have opposed it, stay patient for the Brexit talks to stall, go wrong, engender bickering amongst the Tories, that would boost his chances of making it.
What will be of interest here is how the SNP does, if they lose seats in Westminster that’s the beginning of an end for the fishmonger’s woman, if they keep what they have, get more, then it would signal the end of the project of James I. The deranged woman up North will go for the second referendum with gusto.
Baron – 20:20
It depends what is in the TM’s Tory manifesto. Will it be just Brexit, or Brexit plus what is left of the last Tory manifesto minus the awkward bits, though they could range from HS2 to ‘quite a lot’. Or it could be a full normal manifesto, including Brexit. If it is the first, it will look, and be, strange, and if it is the later, perhaps not all Brexiters will vote Tory!
Noa @ 17:34
It does look the Deep State boxed the Donald into the corner, Noa.
The congrats message to the tinpot Sultan says alot about what happened to the promises in the field in international involvement by the Republic, he could have added to it ‘I hope you’ll honour the past achievements in democracy’ or such like, he didn’t, it stinks, the number of people inside Turkish jails is growing still, there truly is no independent MSM anymore in the country, out of the four Turks the barbarian talks to occasionally only one voted for him, the others didn’t bother to vote, or so they say, they dislike him for canvassing their votes here in the UK.
In Germany, apparently 62 out of every 100 Turks living there voted for Erdogan, that’s a large margin, in not one single Turkey’s region the margin in his favour was that large. Bode well it doesn’t for the Germans, does it?
RobertRetyred @ 20:28
Good point, Robert, but whatever the manifesto contains the Tories will get in big, Baron reckons, there’s no real competition for them, the LibDem crowd will attract the ardent stayers, but the FPTP system will ensure their votes don’t matter, Labour’s divided on Europe, the cumryd has never been a convinced European, that cannot help, UKIP is leaderless, the outcome’s no brainer, a smart move on the part of the saintly One.
EC @ 12:02
Seconded, EC, a tosser he is.
He’s been trying hard to repent for the sin of taking the shilling of the Australian half dead in the NoTW, stupid that, the Left will never forgive him for it.
stephen maybery @ 01:07
The posting of Baron you’re referring to, stephen, was meant to be ironic (you know that anyway). As a scapegoat what better man than he, even though there must have been cases in which he had a finger or two, no?
Prince Harry talking to the not-so-gently obese Bryony Gordon of the DT, prince William to the obnoxious Lady Gaga, emotions are on the menu, the former confesses he had gone through some tough times when his mother died, everyone jumping with joy, congratulating both young men for discarding the stiff upper lip posture …
Not that the barbarian is for people bottling up their feelings fully, but there’s a limit to everything, who wants to know about the often grim details of one’s inner demons, the psychiatrist perhaps, but everyone?
The West is losing it in large part because it’s no longer rational though, but sentimental emotions that dictate our behaviour, the policies enacted by those governing us, the slicing of world’s events by each and everyone of us.
What about the millions of humans beings in the devastated ME, the trauma they must have been going through is unimaginably more horrid that anything any one of us may have experienced in the recent past, is there enough councellors for these poor souls?
It’s rational ‘thought’ and not ‘though’, amongst other errors, bleeding software, lazy barbarian, sorry.
The madness goes on and gets worse.
The Left’s Transracial Monster – Taki’s Magazine
Good read this, the barbarian cannot applaud it more even if had more than a pair of hands (as if it mattered what he endorsed):
John birch @ 21:00
The last para in the piece may turn prophetic, John, the Blacks are made of tougher stuff than the Right Whites, and the bit “a 100% biologically male dude with a swinging dirlywanger’ comes under the heading of the ‘priceless’, only Frank could better it.
It’s NBC, but …
Baron – 20:57
“What about the millions of humans beings in the devastated ME …”
I don’t think that just because others, in far away lands with a completely different culture that glorifies in hatred and violence, are worse off, one cannot expect comfort, understanding and fellowship from others when living in a culture more in tune with those activities.
However, I do agree that there is a time and a place 🙂 but there is a problem, especially where the instruction ‘to help others less fortunate than oneself’ is particularly prevalent. It is a very divisive idea.
It means that anyone who receives help must have been considered ‘less fortunate’, which encourages victimhood and a hierarchy, (Socialism?), and anyone considered advantaged in any way is never assisted.
Why not offer help where it is needed, whoever it is?
For example, a child brilliant at Maths (always top of the class), or school games (always in the school team) or from a wealthy family, or all three, but being abused, may never seek help as they have never experienced uncomplicated adult help before. Seeking help leaves the novice requester in a vulnerable position: denial, ridicule (you are too athletic to be bullied) and being manipulated in some way are possible scenarios. Or they might just be overwhelmed by a novice helper. It doesn’t have to be intentional in any way.
For a prince it must have been very difficult indeed, especially when on the threshold of adulthood.
Both the comforter and the comforted are enriching roles, but I think the problems arise when they are not kept separate from normal life. It is like surgery: skilled work that enhances life, but it is kept in its place, away from everyday life. Though, as the British are so bad in this area, the subject does need to be aired by the appropriate people from time to time, of which Prince Harry is one!
Melanie Phillips: “MRS MAY RIDES THE TIGER”
Alex Jones: “Outed” As Truth Performance Artist
April 18th, 2017 – 19:11
I agree with you, and of course with your implied criticism of Alex Jones. But if there were only Paul the atmosphere might be too dour. The link at 00:09 above gives a more complete view.
Today Parliament will go forward with an independence battle as did the Americans starting the Battles of Lexington and Concord in 1775.
Like the Americans the Great British public will win.
There will be terrible slaughter of Labour MP’s.
John McDonnell who has just wormed and turned on Today will finally be buried.
“It will be a choice between strong and stable leadership in the national interest with me as your prime minister, or weak and unstable coalition government, led by Jeremy Corbyn, propped up by the Liberal Democrats who want to reopen the division of the referendum.”
Go for it Maggie.
“Labour HQ staff have been told tonight that the party has no election slogan, no agreed key seats list and no campaign budget signed off. Revealing the chaotic response to the snap election announcement in Victoria Street, Labour HQ sources tell Guido that, in a briefing to party staff, a defeatist General Secretary Iain McNicol warned “This is going to be tough” and unconvincingly, according to recipients of the briefing, that “we can win seats”. Optimistic.”
Malfleur – 00:22
Alex Jones is a target, like all successful YouTubers, He has built a successful brand, and a profitable business with viewing figures and an audience with an attention span that the MSM can only dream of. All a performance? Well, he has yet to grind his face into a bowl of Cheetos! (a la Glenn “cheeto chops” Beck)
It was Ernie Wise, wasn’t it, who penned “All the world’s a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances…” It looks like another high profile target, Bill O’Reilly, is being flushed at Fox.
Does anybody here else think that there’s something not quite right about Tim Farron?
EC 0757
Closet Queen?
“Mr Farron replied: ‘I don’t think I struggled to answer it at all, Cathy. I think I’m not in the position to make theological announcements over the next six weeks.
‘I’m not going to spend my time talking theology or making pronouncements.’
Ms Newman added: ‘I asked you three times if homosexuality was a sin and you said “we’re all sinners”. Is that still the answer?’
He replied: ‘As a Liberal, I’m passionate about equality, about equal marriage and about equal rights for LGBT people, for fighting for LGBT rights, not just in this country but overseas.”
EC @ 23:10
A little gem of an argument on the snap count you’ve discovered there, EC, thanks for posting it, Melanie’s by far the best of the thinkers in the phylum of today’s journalism, this piece shows why.
Everything may happen, in particular in politics, but as things stand the saintly One will get a mandate that will surprise even her.
The continuous harping, bickering, moaning about Brexit by those willing to be slaves of Brussels for the ease of living must have told many unwashed who voted to remain that they, the remoaners, aren’t the crowd to mix with, the prospect of a coalition with the SNP, the fishmonger’s woman in charge, (the fishmonger looking in) must put even the staunchest supporter of Europe off, and the knowledge that if she gets a massive majority the Brussels wankers will have no moral backing (not that this has ever stopped them, mind), no credible political platform to stand on because nobody voted for them, they’re what they’ve always been, a bunch of appointed apparatchiks, mostly failed politicians from the EU member states.
The one valid point is Melanie’s saying the turnout will be low for if the British hate anything more than the winter flu voting it is.
More of this:
Baron – 08:11
Agreed, and I think that Mrs M could see that the ‘continuous harping, bickering, moaning’ would only get worse, and that would have been exploited by the Brussels crowd, INCLUDING Clegg, Farron, the fishmonger’s daughter etc !
When a siege is imminent, get in supplies and reinforcements. 🙂
Before the Referendum, all the political parties were in complete agreement that the people were going to decide: not the MPs, not the Courts, not anyone, just the British People (+the other voters 🙂 ). It is in Hansard. It was also stated by people from all parties that leaving the EU meant leaving the Single Market (though it should be called the INTERNAL market).
Even CMD, in his Government leaflet, said “This is your decision. The Government will implement what you decide”, before he resigned.
Since then the Remoaners, from every walk of life, have gone back on their word. Not just pointing out issues, but full, hard on, obstruction! The expectation is that it will continue, past Brexit, indefinitely. This is not acceptable parliamentary behaviour. This is striking at our Democracy.
There is still no recognition by Remoaners that Project Fear was only wishful thinking on their part, that the EU is spiraling into the depths with many on the Continent beyond despair, and that Britain’s contrary objections (to the Euro, Schengen, no border control, majorities being ignored and ever closer union at the expense of everything else) were the right choice. Yet we are forced to pay the price of failure.
I hope she wins well, and her opponents fail badly, because, as she says, we need to prepare for what is beyond Brexit. And I hope that she carries on in the manner to which we have become accustomed: Brexit means a Clean Brexit.
Apart from my hopes not being fulfilled, I do worry about how a Tory Party, with a large majority, will behave. So, while a superficial analysis may see UKIP as being less important in the near future, I think that its role in keeping the Tories in line is even more important than before.
With a successful Brexit, UKIP will be a party looking for a cause, but that is a long time hence (2 years+?) and, because it will have fulfilled its mandate, morphing into a party for the next challenge, it should be less challenged by History than the other parties.
Marshal Roberts – 08:09
Tim Farron is the LibDems token Christian straight guy. He is MP for Westmorland and Lonsdale, a rural, predominantly “farming,” constituency with Kendal and Windermere thrown in. The long cold northern winters, and dark nights can lead some of the animal husbandry practitioners to take their role all too literally. It’s an area where mining subsidies for sheep and wind farms is the primary economic activity. Gay marriage and LGBT issues are insignificant compared that of civil partnerships and church weddings for sheep.
CH4’s Cathy Newman needs to get out of London more!
compared that of“compared with”e&oe
George Osborne QUITS as MP to focus on Evening Standard role
GEORGE OSBORNE today announced he will quit as an MP in order to focus on his new role as editor of the Evening Standard newspaper.
Revealing his decision today, Mr Osborne – who was once touted as a future prime minister – hinted he still retains hopes of a political comeback.
In a letter announcing his decision to Conservatives in his constituency, he said: “I am stepping down from the House of Commons – for now.
“But I will remain active in the debate about our country’s future and on the issues I care about, like the success of the Northern Powerhouse.
“I want a Britain that is free, open, diverse and works with other nations to defend our democratic values in the world.
From that last sentence, it doesn’t sound as though he is the steadfast Remainer that we thought him to be.
Perhaps, he was fooled by the official forecasts 🙂
RobertRetyred – 13:25
I was taking ‘diverse’ to mean he still wanted some Britons living in Britain.
It is worth reading this long and comprehensively researched essay in its entireity.
I suspect that pro-rata a similar scenario exists here:
As someone who worked the streets of London prior to Drs, Petro and Swann: Knightbridge Helen et all all bent medics who prescribed for kick-backs and facilitated the plague; before whom there were a mere 30 Home Office registered heroin addicts (all of whom attended Boots all night chemist, Piccadilly Circus to get their midnight fixes), the gradual evolution and the political chicanery behind it, makes my already dodgy claret metaphorically both run cold and paradoxically boil at the same time.
The baleful bastards who propagate this evil trade and exploitation of human weakness are the scum of the earth and the worst of their ilk are the big Pharmas who constantly invent new avenues for addiction to fill their coffers. I doubt the statistics for the bodycount over the last 60 years is available, either in Home Office or NHS records. And the campaign to legalise ganja, the shoe horn for all the rest, continues apace.
… Sorry, forgot to thank Gerard at AD for the heads up.
I know at my age nothing should surprise me but listening to Jeremy Corbyns speech today where it seemed we lived in a utopia until somehow for some strange reason which we didn’t go into those bastard Conservative’s got into power.
Ever since then the country’s been fucked , everything’s gone wrong which presumably was perfect until they got in.
No wonder No one trusts politicians, selective memory syndrome allows them to lie to the standard of lawyers who as we know have no shame, morals or concept of the truth at all.
It’s beyond me how you can talk such a load of shit and except to be taken seriously. But they are.
Lie after lie fell from his lips as he went on and on and on.
Do they believe themselves, or is it really just a job where you say what’s necessary regardless of the truth.
John 1628
You must be mistaken.
I googled “Jeremy Corbyn honesty” and this came up:
“Read any Corbyn speech, hear him at any public appearance. In his gentle manner he has been making arguments about renationalising the railways, protecting public-sector pay, arguing for a living wage, then reached out and put an arm around the vulnerable and spoken about compassion.”
What is more I just turned on BBC news 24 to hear that pipsqueak Owen Jones squawking for 10 minutes unopposed.
Whose side are the BBC on?
Fortunately terminated by the PM in Bolton.
“At the 2015 general election, according to an analysis by BPP University, a private law school, 119 of 650 MPs elected had either studied or practised law. That was up from 85 in 2010.”
Ref :
Wiki informs me that Ms Truss gained a PPE degree at Merton College, Oxford.
The modern HoC is chock full of Lawyers, PPEs. Mr Corbyn, OTOH, is a relic from a bygone age – a trade union dinosaur.
“Now you know what’s wrong with the bloody country!”
Spike Milligan
South Africa | Apartheid & the Future
The graph at 4 min is astounding.
Liz Truss has made major political pronouncements
“After introducing herself to delegates, a grinning Ms Truss continued her food-themed address with the now infamous line: “In December I’ll be in Beijing, opening up pork markets”, pausing for dramatic effect after delivering this sentence.
During the same speech, she added: “We import two-thirds of our cheese. That. Is. A. Disgrace.”
No wonder Trump has it on his agenda:
DHS: Almost as Many Americans Died of Drug Overdoses in 2015 as in ’12 Years in Vietnam’
Bye, bye Bill. It’s official. Pussy power wins again.. Chalk up another victory to the vociferous vocal vaginas. And to the Murdoch spawn Rupe ceded to the sons. Saul Alinski has another hit from the grave.
Wonder if Bill got absolution from Papa Frankie, in Roma?
Read the comments after the Breitbart piece. Some are very funny.
Must have been a very golden handshake.
Ah well. I can dump Sky now. Fox were my last reason to continue to subscribe. The new scheduling is crap. The factor was the flagship. Without it, Fox will wither on the vine.
.. sorry, delete ‘vocal’ from para one above. Tautology.
“The whole Central Bank working model is unravelling and they don’t know how to keep it going without a major war”
(h/t Public Intelligence Blog)
“The Polish interior minister affirmed Poland will not repeat the Western European policy of multiculturalism which he said has led to the “bloody harvest” of multiple terror attacks across the continent since the start of the migrant crisis.”
“Europe must close Mediterranean route to avoid deepening migrant crisis, minister claims
EUROPE can avoid a deepening migrant crisis by closing the Mediterranean route to asylum-seekers, according to the Austrian interior minister.”
“Theresa May will place a triple lock on Brexit in the Tory manifesto to stop obstruction by diehard Remainers.
Tory sources say she is set to include specific pledges to overcome opposition within her party and in the Lords.
The manifesto is expected to commit the Conservatives to ending EU free movement and pulling out of both the single market and European Court of Justice.
Senior Tories see the three measures as essential in delivering last year’s referendum result.”
Frank P – 00:14
Sorry, Frank, but you were responsible for installing this particular brain worm some months ago! [ I was just an innocent cuntry boy before I stepped inside this ‘ere cyber pub, tha knars … 🙂 ]
“vociferous vocal vaginas.”
A Choir of Queefs? A Queef Chorus?
Bill O’Reilly RIP
Bushwhacked, gunned down in a hail of nuggets!
Does anyone have an explanation for the largest percentage of male homosexuals being located in Northern Ireland, (1.6%) as opposed to England (1.5%). Did it become compulsory under the Belfast Agreement?
London of course, remains the most likely place for ropy soap, at 3%…
Still, the attempts of ‘progressive’ governments to grow (ha!) the homosexual population seem to have failed dismally. 98.5% seem to be resolutely straight…
Noa- It is no coincidence that England, Scotland and Northern Ireland are led by women. We are being emasculated.
The 8th June GE concerns me. I fear that the Leave voters might be too apathetic to endorse May whilst the Remain voters will be out in force for Corbyn and Farron. I don’t think it’s a given and believe Mrs May to be taking quite a risk. She wants a stronger mandate but there might be an unpleasant surprise from a country that can moon over Prince Harry’s bereavement issues as though a cure for cancer had been invented.
The BBC are already in rogue mode. Let’s hope May’s manifesto includes cutting them down to size.
Noa April 20th, 2017 – 10:35
You would never think that, watching the BBC, following the “public narrative” or reading the papers. Aliens watching us from space might draw the legitimate conclusion that the population was 50/50 or even more “gay” vs “straight”, with a very significant “transgender” population.
I think this is called “The Tyranny of the Minority” and seems to have become a new British industry, far more aggressive, assertive and competitive than any previous manufacturing industry. It seems to have exploited the inherent politeness of the British and the current, much manufactured and stoked, guilt over what a bigoted, racist, prejudiced, sexist society we once were.
Is it really coincidence that a flurry of films exploring the themes of historic racial prejudice all appear within a year?
Colonel Mustard 10.48
I agree with both your assessment and conclusion. The progressive liberal media and minority interest groups do prevail overmuch upon our innate tolerance and good nature to pursue offensive and provocative memes which run counter to the requirements of a balanced, conservative society.
As to the Royals, the present generation have either taken leave of their senses or obtain their PR and communications strategy via the offices of Mischon del Reya. I can account for no reason other than a desire to ensure the abolition of the monarchy to explain the current outpouring of self-demeaning emotional effluvia over the media.
Regardless of the views one may hold on the role of the monarchy, and mine are by no means supportive of the present arrangement. I fear that the resulting constitutional crisis and upheaval would provide an opportunity for the good to lose and the wicked to seize.
The abolition of the monarchy, together with that of the Lords, already mooted, would see two of the pillars of our constitutional monarchy removed, without the likelihood of effective counter balances being put in place.
Paul Joseph Watson hosted the AJ Show from Austin on Wednesday. It includes in the opening section his view of the heralded GE in June and the French PE – Round One on Sunday:
Why worry?
Farron is a self evident buffoon and the Libdems are demoralised. It is doubtful that enough remainers will heed their message enough to give them more than 2 or 3 more seats.
As for Jezza it is very unclear where he stands in relation to Brexit and the sensible end of the Labour Party Market, the majority will seize the opportunity to facilitate his defeat.
The bigger concern is that Ken Clarke and that dreadful woman Soubry will gather round themselves a core of “softies” and cause trouble.
Emoji royal.
Kim Jung Len barks.
Will the dogs be chewing on Coyne?
Noa @ 16:32
Good on her, Noa, but it’s like hitting a stone wall with one’s head hoping to break through.
Noa @ 16:47
Labour don’t need any political opposition to devour itself, Noa, they’re more than capable of doing it themselves. Pity that, because the one thing that a healthy democracy needs is a strong opposition.
Malfleur @ 05:40
Good one, Malfleur, but does anyone genuinely want a major war?
It would make sense if those in the Third Party (is that different from the Deep State?) could be certain the war’s winnable. The barbarian ain’t sure, the availability of nukes makes it rather uncertain, (the communist thugs would have never deployed nuclear, Putin not only may, he will, if he felt Russia were to get decimated in a conventional fight, it’s not for certain, Baron could be wrong, but would not any nation threatened with annihilation decide to annihilate the enemy, too?)
Her remark that it’s pedophilia that’s behind the push for a major war feels an overreaction, if Bill, the one of the cigar fame, could get away with his sexual misbehaviour, those guilty of pædophilic behaviour should also be able to avoid punishment (one must never underestimate the cunning of the legal profession).
What those putting pressure on the Donald (and winning, so far anyway) are afraid of is losing control of the Project, the sinecures that go with it, their careers, positions, money. That would seem more plausible explanation of their turning the Donald around, the project being the Full Monty of the human soul engineering efforts from the AGW to gender fluidity and everything in between.
Baron 17.37
I was alluding more to the Stalinist purge on the opposition within the UNITE Union byt Comrade McCluskey than the slow and tedious death of Labour. After all, until Taff Vale is repealed and Labour Party funding is prohibited, the unions will continue to cause chaos.
ROP again.
Le Pen should benefit.
Noa 1956 – not the first time:
“The head of Unite gave Coyne a “final written warning” for speaking at an event held by Labour for the Common Good, a group founded by Chuka Umunna and Tristram Hunt, two MPs who declined to join Corbyn’s shadow cabinet.
On 7 March, two months after the event and following a disciplinary hearing, McCluskey wrote a letter marked “strictly confidential” saying he had found that Coyne was guilty of a breach of trust and was giving him a final written warning that would sit on his record for 12 months.
In the letter, headed “A serious breach of trust”, McCluskey said Labour for the Common Good was a legitimate organisation but, “given that it is the brainchild of Chuka Umunna and Tristram Hunt who chose not to serve in a Corbyn shadow cabinet, it is clear that there are obvious differences with Unite’s political vision.””
Colonel Mustard – 10:41
Re: GE2017
I currently live in a constituency where 59% voted Leave last June 23rd. The incumbent MP is a Labour woman who is/was a Remainer. She got a majority of about 4,600 at the last election. If the new Conservative candidate is a true Brexiteer then, I’ll consider swapping my vote from UKIP, and if not then, as things stand, I’ll probably vote UKIP again.
However, in consideration of what is required from a UKIP leader in the coming weeks, I really do not think that Paul Nuttall is up to the job.
Fingering the dyke:
And she’s setting the currlickurbum? Lock up your daughters! And FFS vote for the Raving Monster Looney Party.
The Long March of the Muff divers: they’ve taken over NSY; The Education Dept; the Scottish Tory Party – any more that I haven’t been apprised of?
And to prove just how bonkers Life on Earth has become, this is what the Russkis are sayin’ about Mad Fat Kim:
One last link:
For some reason my 00:44 is squibbed “Your comment is awaiting moderation”.
Will somebody please let me know if it appears on the page?
EC – 23:36
I wouldn’t worry too much for now. When the Tory manifesto comes out, we will have a better idea what the battlefield will look like. If TM is putting in the detail that is being reported, it will force the issue for prospective MPs. I see reports that some calcitrant Tories are talking to the LibDems already, while the EU are demanding that we keep some Euro-law to protect EU nationals in Britain.
It might appear a subtle legal matter to the legaly dim, but it really is the most important aspect of the situation: should Britain be free from Brussels?
Not only will a strongly worded Tory manifesto keep Soubery off our screens (a bit), it will strengthen Britain’s hand. Local matters may also play a part, but I think time will allow the fog to clear well before our election.
Frank P 00:44
“…The Long March of the Muff divers: they’ve taken over NSY; The Education Dept; the Scottish Tory Party – any more that I haven’t been apprised of?”
Erm you’ve forgotten to mention your own area of sexpertise, Frank!
I refer of course to the Met, not the Opera, but the conjoined Never-Never land of Strap on and a police inspector called Helen…
RobertRetyred – 08:32
Apart from a blip at a by-election in the mid seventies, the constituency where I currently live has returned a Labour MP since 1923. Like most constituencies where Labour has held sway for that long, the societal decline is marked, and tragic. One can only hope that UKIP and the Tories can cooperate in constituencies like these this time around, and also that the electorate will wake up, get out and vote accordingly!
Over the pond Jimmy Swaggert managed to make a successful comeback after the hiatus in his career caused by the exposure of his greatly misunderstood ministry to fallen women, but I’m not sure if Mr Nuttall will ever be able to return to Liverpool from Hillsborough.
The die is now cast and not surprisingly, the pundits are split on what the result will be. Oborne is strongly in favour, Peter Hitchens, Widdicome, and Rod Liddle not. The result will not necessarily strengthen May or Brexit, other election issues come into play, e.g. immigration and trust in any party to halt it is at rock bottom.
I’m starting my own wish list of demands :
Scrapping all foreign aid, the Scottish and Welsh Devolution Acts, the Climate Change Act, the impeachment of Blair, HS2, the Human Rights Act, the ‘Equality’ legislation, reform of the NHS, Education, the Fixed Term Parliament Act… for starters…
Liverpool is thankfully no longer a part of Lancashire, but a useful place for Reds and tyre thieves to compare and pool their mutual interests in thieving from the public and private purses.
Noa – 10:38
Yes, in that regard Murkyside is a Mecca 😉
@10:30 The only party leader that has expressed a wish to do anything about Blair (and hopefully Campbell) is Jezza!
Looking at you manifesto, which I would support, I’m tempted to think that things won’t get better until they get a hell of a lot worse! So if that is the case should we not all vote for Jezza in order to hasten the inevitable end?
It’s better than BBC comedy:
Barack Obama throws backing behind pro-EU candidate Emmanuel Macron
Frank P at 00-55.
You overshot your quota of TWO links to be shown .
What may cheer you up is that the DRAMA channel (20) at 9 pm tonight is repeating ” Is There Life On Mars ”
If you and others missed this the first time round on BBC1 ( because it was on BBC1 ) you should see it now .
CID Detective Sam Tyler , after a car crash,finds himself transported back to Manchester 1973 into the CID of those days lead by DCI Gene Hunt( Played by Philip Glenister ) .
Gene Hunt became something of a cult figure.
https// mars/
Noa – 10:33
Your list, with some of my thoughts:
Scrapping all foreign aid
At least repeal the 0.7% law and reduce what we donate, intelligently, which may be most of it: we don’t want stupid changes, especially at the beginning.
+Scrapping internal aid
Too much taxpayers’ money goes to charities, much of which is used to lobby Government.
+Charities Review
Apart from lobbying, there are reports of funds going abroad to some pretty dubious activities. There are some good charities that do good work abroad, I hope, and they can be involved in ‘renewable energy’, but they must be Climate Change Science Free! Ditto with UK based charities: no lobbying or financing ‘Green Projects’ that are just for the propaganda.
There needs to be changes at the Charities Commission!
Repeal Scottish and Welsh Devolution Acts
Risky, especially with the dysfunctional fisherman’s daughter around. A spell of good Tory government would makes these changes less toxic, later, and there would be time to highlight just how bad these new assemblies are at ‘assembling’, and doing anything competently, let alone well. Perhaps some visible auditing wouldn’t come amiss.
Climate Change Act
Another big subject that I would like to see gone, but it may be better to change the rules (which may not need much if any legislation): make the windmill / solar companies guarantee delivery of their power in the agreed time slot, so they would need to buy options from the gas fired power stations in case of windless days. That would fix much of the problem. It would make coal/gas fired power stations financial viable – and some might even get built! While Climate Change Science is not credible, it is the cost of implementing the ‘solution’, especially after 2030, that is so damaging. Just cancel projects like the Cardiff Bay tidal lagoon project: they are so wasteful!
Impeachment of Blair
Why not 🙂
Yes! And redirect much of the money to the rest of the network, eg:
Human Rights Act
‘Equality’ legislation
Reform of the NHS
Tricky! It needs to be done, but maybe a plan needs to be found, including getting a few MPs into the department and working out just what the problems are, with some suggestions for the future. It would be too easy to get doctors’ strikes etc. It might be possible to get trials started in friendly areas 🙂 (On the other hand, there might already be a plan!)
Go for Technical Colleges (my hobby horse would be after Year 8, @14yr) It would force the children to make a choice, which requires some hard reality checks, and 14 is a good age to do that. And what is left would be easier to manage. I see a need for exams, but they should be used as a guide, with reassessments in the first year.
When only half of graduates go into graduate jobs, there is a problem. Return the original polytechnics back to be polytechnics, especially the poor universities. It would support the changes being made in schools. Education establishments with ‘safe spaces’ need to be returned to normal. Think about reintroducing Sandwich sources – I think some are still about, but hiding!
Fixed Term Parliament Act
Repeal it, obviously – it was a CMD invention!
Mustn’t forget the most important policy.
+Environment Agency
With the EU gone 🙂 it needs reconstructing, to be locally focused, as the environment is!
+Reduce the number of QUANGOs
With everything returning from Brussels, it is important that it doesn’t result in just extra bureaucracy in Britain.
+Same Sex Marriage, in schools
With the NUT, in Cardiff, wanting the agenda for two year olds, I think there needs to be some resources addressed to the problems that are arising.
RobertRetyred – 13:24
It needs to be specified in the manifesto that Brexit means Brexit: that is, exit the Single Market: in fact, everything that means we will be a sovereign nation, again.
This demand to allow all EU citizens in Britain to keep their ‘EU rights’ is just Euro-colonisation! If they are in Britain, they will be under the jurisdiction of our law.
Go to new CHW.